Re: Maximum Lump Size

Posted on 6. Jan. 2007 - 11:13

Rule-0f-Thumb is the pipe should be no less than 5 times the largest lump to prevent arching of major apertures. Three times is absolute. Five times is used for most stationary containers of flow fields. Six times might be a more realistic size for the pipe conveyor when you consider its dilation tendency between idlers.

These number can vary depending on the percentage and consistency of largest lump and general size distribution.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Maximum Lump Size

Posted on 6. Jan. 2007 - 11:21

The above does not account for slabby rock nor high concentration of large lump. The answer also depends on the belt tranverse, axial stiffness, and whether it is uphill or downhill. It depends on the idler spacing et al. You also need to evaluate the vertical and horizontal curve influences. All of these points need to be incorporated to account for the belts dialation and its consequences.

There is no single convenient answer. You need to provide sound engineering.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Maximum Lump Size

Posted on 9. Jan. 2007 - 03:38

Dear Mr. Nordell,

Thanks that you are responding to me. Just give me five min. more . I want to handle Lime stone having lump size of 200 mm. The capacity is 400 t/hr. As per you I like to select 1200 mm pipe ( which is 6 times of lump size). But I apprehend the following.

1. Tube seperation due to bigger lump size.

2. Crock screw effect.

3. Roll back of material at 30 deg inclination.

Kindly write on the above & suggest.



Re: Maximum Lump Size

Posted on 31. Jan. 2007 - 06:04


Maximum Lump

In general if the pipe is 75% full (i.e. max design) then max lump is 1/3 pipe diameter if the pipe is 44% full then max lump can be 2/3 pipe diameter.

I does however depend on material and distribution and consistancy of the lumps.

Paul Holt

Dosco Overseas Eng Ltd.

Maximum Lump Size

Posted on 2. Feb. 2007 - 10:48

Dear Mr. Paul,

Thanks for your reply. As per JPC manual minimum pipe diameter should be 3 times of lump size if the pipe is 75 % loaded. But if the capacity is less but lump size is too big, then I think the problems may occure as stated in my early reply.

Kindly write some thing on the above.



Re: Maximum Lump Size

Posted on 2. Feb. 2007 - 12:18

Dear Mr Bannerjee

Regarding your perameters 400 t/hr limestone at 1.4 T/m3 and max lump 200 mm.

Because fill can be approx 40/45 % diameter 300mm could be used if there are small amount of max size lumps but more comfortable would be dia 350mm.

Paul Holt

Dosco Overseas Eng Ltd.