RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
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Re: Blower Selection

Posted on 2. Oct. 2006 - 10:59

For the conveying pressure you have calaulated a Roots type blower is the best choice. I don't know who the main suppliers are in Malaysia but if you search for Roots Blower you should find plenty of suppliers / agents in your area.

What they will ant from you is the pressure drop and blower nlet gas volume (not pick up velocity). The inlet gas volume is equal to the discharge gas volume from the system plus rotary valve leakage if appropriate.

It would also be normal to add a safety margin onto the calculated gas pressure when specifying the blower. I have never used Mr Agarwal's program so don't know if it gives a "predicted operating" pressure or a "design pressure" with safety margin included.

By the way, this programme has had a large amount of coverage on this discussion board, is it posted somewhere on the net and available for download? I and am sure others, would be interested to run it in comparison to our own programmes which we normally use.


Posted on 2. Oct. 2006 - 12:25

Dear Sir,

Thanks for the infomation.

By the way, the method used are not programme, bt a series of calculations to predict or calculate the pressure drop in the system. The article is only sent if requested from Mr Agarwal.

Re: Blower Selection

Posted on 2. Oct. 2006 - 12:29

The comparison will be possible only if someone has the “K” factor values to calculate pressure drop for some materials. As far as my memory serves me I don’t remember seeing a table of K values with the article in the magazine. I always assumed that people asking for the article did get this factor value for the material they intended to convey. The paper it self mentioned that these values have to be back calculated from lab / pilot scale plants and has a range of 0.4 – 4 depending on material properties.

I am sure Mr Weychien can enlighten us with the “K” factor he used for his calculations.



Posted on 3. Oct. 2006 - 05:29

Dear Mr Matoo,


i face the same problem too... and it seem cant find any related test method or the calculation related to the "K" factor.

i just use the very stupid way... assumption... K=2.0

Re: Blower Selection

Posted on 3. Oct. 2006 - 10:05

Well if you are guessing “K” without any experience of pneumatic

conveying then I am afraid it is even difficult to guess the

accuracy of your predicted pressure drop.

Good luck in your project.
