Diesel Drive Screeners

Posted in: , on 23. Jun. 2006 - 06:17

I had an interesting problem come in last week. Gentleman had a 5x12 2 dk circle throw - END OF CONVEYOR HUNG screener on a feeder screen plant....run by a diesel.

Ran excellent for 8 years......then........POW......the sideplates cracked outa his vibrating screen box. END TENSION bottom deck screen setup.

Well, he orders new sideplates and installs himself.....no problem...til he starts up again this spring.....and after 3-4 months....CRACKS THE SIDEPLATES OUT. He was not happy.

Had the thought to call us......who supplied the sideplates and complain about the quality. .... asking for new plates NO CHARGE...and was fairly anxious to boot.


After a number of interesting conversations ( why is it people always think you deaf when they are experiencing a problem?)

we got to the brass tacks.

We visited in field, he assured us he installed correctly..so we kinda assumed he did........so the million dollar question was....what caused this problem??? The customer or the factory?

We talked endlessly, and we came to the conclusion....I asked many times...are you sure you did NOT CHANGE anything over the years.......the answer was a positive NO. Are you sure? NO....completely Sure? Well he says, We did change the DIESEL last winter.....I said is the diesel running at the same RPM as old diesel.......ANSWER WAS NO.....running faster actually......Herein layed the answer......a tachometer check on the screen box showed it to be running 1300 RPM.....at 1/4" circle......high G'S

and you CRACK OUT THE Mr. Sideplate.

SLOWED IT DOWN.....by sheave change.....all is under control again.

You must be careful with DIESEL DRIVEN screeners....

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email]gbaker@telsmith.com[/email] E: (home) [email] gggman353@gmail.com[/email] website: [url]www.telsmith.com[/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.
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