Calculation of fines generation due to drop

Posted in: , on 13. Jan. 2005 - 07:32

Dear All,

I am handling lime now through conveyor system.I am asked to calculate generation of fines due to drop of about 3m. I do not know how to calculate the same. Kindly help me in this regards.The data in respect of lime are as below;

1. size,mm...........10 t0 40

2.Bulk density t/cu. m.....1.0

3. Max. temp. of KILN to produce,deg..... 1000 C

4.Strength of lime. Not know to me also.



Re: Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 13. Jan. 2005 - 08:49

The size range from 10-40mm will not generate significant dust

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Fines Generation Calculation

Posted on 13. Jan. 2005 - 12:18

Dear Nordell,

Thanks for reply.

But the quality of lime is bad & generate fines.

If you have any thing,kindly let me.



Re: Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 13. Jan. 2005 - 02:24

CDI designs chutes to reduce degradation and dust. We apply our design tolls DEM and CFD to qualify and quantify these conditions as well as reduce or eliminate spillage, material centering, power, belt wear and many other factors.

Your request has no simple answer because of the complexity of the model. Particle size distribution, density, moisture content, delivery specifications, belt geometries, and chute design are required to build a model and subject it to analysis. Then we can quantify the benefits of one design verses another.

You need to quantify the expected gas velocity and particle suspension time by size in the gas field. THis is not a simple formula.

A dust reduction of 10:1 or more can be achieved and maybe guaranteed by prudent chute design. We are able to lend assistance on such projects.

Lawrence Nordell

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Matt Croker
(not verified)

Re: Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 13. Jan. 2005 - 10:51

The University of Wollongong has done a lot of research in this area.

I understand the main testing method is to take a drum of material, analyse the fines fraction, pour the drum out over a drop of (say) 3m, and then analyse the fines fraction again.

Re: Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 14. Jan. 2005 - 12:21

How will this Wollongong concept equate to a real world transfer and its dust emissions?

I am baffled on how the experiment will identify the fugitive dust by measuring fines fraction after the drop. Once the material drops and dust is expelled, it immediately begins to fall back on the material heap. Where does the liberated dust go? How long after the drop is the measurement taken?

Putting it through a sieve analysis will, on each occasion, liberate dust and generate degradation and more dust. Standard sieves (635 mesh or 20 microns) cannot classify to the necessary size fraction for dust measurement.

A typical dust measurement is made by electrical (Coulter) or laser (Malvern, PSM, et al) to obtain the particle count and size fractions in the 0.5 to 10.0 micron range. This is the dangerous or hazardous respiral range (MSHA is 0.5 to 5.0 microns).

Hopefully, your/Wollongong have conquered the above difficulties and you /Wollongong will share this wisdom.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Matt Croker
(not verified)

Re: Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 14. Jan. 2005 - 12:43


I don't think the research was aimed at fugitive dust generation, more at the degredation of coal. The original post was regarding "generation of fines" which I assumed (rightly or wrongly) was in the range of >500 microns (say) rather than fugitive dust emmissions.

Re: Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 14. Jan. 2005 - 02:31


I agree with you. I suffer from loss of focus.

However, although it is not clear on what is "dust or fines", if you sieve it you break it (coal and lime) to varying degrees. Thus, what are you truly measuring? In order to obtain meaningful results, you need to back engineer to the pre-broken sample. This requires repeated sieving to obtain the sieve breakage and estimate the native sample in the unbroken state.

I had to save what's left of face.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Ratikanta Sahoo
(not verified)

Limestone Degradation

Posted on 14. Jan. 2005 - 03:54

Check the article published by Dr. Sahoo. He has done lot of research on coal degradation, His work may help you to slove your problem.

(not verified)

Calculation Of Fines Generation Due To Drop

Posted on 14. Jan. 2005 - 09:57

Dear Mr. Banerjee,

For Met Coke there are indices like Micum 10 & 40, by which the fines generation property can be ascertained. There must be some parallel for Lime Stone, please check.

Regards post of Mr Ratikanta Sahoo, please provide a link to the paper or is it to be searched in this forum only?
