Pneumatic conveying of Calcined Lime

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 12. May. 2004 - 14:38

We are planning to convey (-) 10 mm size calcined lime through pneumatic conveying system for a distance of 750 m with conveying capacity of 30 t/hr. We would like to know

1. Whether the above material can be conveyed through pneumatic conveying system? If so, what is the type of pneumatic conveying system to be adopted?

2. Is there any restriction in the conveying distance with the above pneumatic conveying system & type of material to be conveyed?

3. Major parameters to be considered while designing the system?

4. Is there any similar system operating any where? If so, the name of the plant , location & other details.

Mike Albrecht
(not verified)

Re: Pneumatic Conveying Of Calcined Lime

Posted on 12. May. 2004 - 04:29

Originally posted by BALAKRISHNAN.N

We are planning to convey (-) 10 mm size calcined lime through pneumatic conveying system for a distance of 750 m with conveying capacity of 30 t/hr. We would like to know

1. Whether the above material can be conveyed through pneumatic conveying system? If so, what is the type of pneumatic conveying system to be adopted?

Can it yes, although the - 10 mm calcined limestone will be difficult to keep in suspension, so a dense phase system will probably be needed.

2. Is there any restriction in the conveying distance with the above pneumatic conveying system & type of material to be conveyed?

The main problem being the coarse size (-10 mm). Next the length, at 750 m You will probably need several supplemental air injections.

3. Major parameters to be considered while designing the system?

Particle settling rate and air volume required.

4. Is there any similar system operating any where? If so, the name of the plant , location & other details.

Fuller (FL Schmidt) has designed many cement systems that ar similar (although -10mm is unussual).

Re: Pneumatic Conveying Of Calcined Lime

Posted on 13. May. 2004 - 05:51

You can use dilute phase or dense phase conveying based on economics. A single conveying conveying line can also be used depending upon the capacity of the air mover. You can use our computer program and design the conveying system yourself.


A. T. Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consultants