Vulcanizing Press Wanted

Posted in: , on 7. May. 2009 - 10:20

Wanted 2nd hand shaw almex or similar x 1800mm belt width

Wanted a Shaw Almex or similar beam press to vulcanize belts up to 1800mm wide.

Press is for fabric belt only up to a PN800/4 10X2 COVERS

Must be water cooled

Please email me direct to

Kind Regards

Frank Huysmans

State Manager

Northern Belting Services P/L

120 Wedgewood Rd

Hallam, Victoria 3803

ph 039-703-2800

fax 039-703-1811

mobile 0403 989 195

Re: Vulcanizing Press Wanted

Posted on 29. Jun. 2009 - 06:48

Dear Frank Huysmans,

My recommendation is to use a new Vulcanizing Press and not an old second hand Vulcanizing Press. The challenge of today is to save money but in the future do the job more efficiently and with a higher level of intelligence, keeping in mind that the requirements for a hot splice can increase. It means that you need a Vulcanizing Press with the maximum freedom to meet future requirements in belt development (--> maximum pressure and maximum temperature and process time). Further you will have to prove that the job has be done perfectly.

The best technology available is a Vulcanizing Press with 1) a Waterbag and not an Airbag or hydraulic pistons; 2) a pressure sensor installed on the Waterbag System for checking the surface pressure; 3) A modern electronic checking the temperature, surface pressure and the real time; 4) An electronic interface and a software under Windows capable to show and print all process data during the hot vulcanizing

This are the requirments of such companies like RWE-Rheinbraun in Germany (lignite mines and electricity), one of the trend setter in surface mining in the world.

Conveyor Belt Vulcanizer From China

Posted on 31. May. 2017 - 08:37

Water bag pressure system

New type heating platen with water cooling

Jack han

Qingdao antai Mining Machinery Co., Ltd

Quote Originally Posted by Edgar JakobView Post
Dear Frank Huysmans,

My recommendation is to use a new Vulcanizing Press and not an old second hand Vulcanizing Press. The challenge of today is to save money but in the future do the job more efficiently and with a higher level of intelligence, keeping in mind that the requirements for a hot splice can increase. It means that you need a Vulcanizing Press with the maximum freedom to meet future requirements in belt development (--> maximum pressure and maximum temperature and process time). Further you will have to prove that the job has be done perfectly.

The best technology available is a Vulcanizing Press with 1) a Waterbag and not an Airbag or hydraulic pistons; 2) a pressure sensor installed on the Waterbag System for checking the surface pressure; 3) A modern electronic checking the temperature, surface pressure and the real time; 4) An electronic interface and a software under Windows capable to show and print all process data during the hot vulcanizing

This are the requirments of such companies like RWE-Rheinbraun in Germany (lignite mines and electricity), one of the trend setter in surface mining in the world.
Quote Originally Posted by Frank HuysmansView Post
Wanted 2nd hand shaw almex or similar x 1800mm belt width

Wanted a Shaw Almex or similar beam press to vulcanize belts up to 1800mm wide.

Press is for fabric belt only up to a PN800/4 10X2 COVERS

Must be water cooled

Please email me direct to

Kind Regards

Frank Huysmans

State Manager

Northern Belting Services P/L

120 Wedgewood Rd

Hallam, Victoria 3803

ph 039-703-2800

fax 039-703-1811

mobile 0403 989 195

Re: Vulcanizing Press Wanted

Posted on 27. Jun. 2017 - 01:45
Quote Originally Posted by Edgar JakobView Post
Dear Frank Huysmans,

My recommendation is to use a new Vulcanizing Press and not an old second hand Vulcanizing Press. The challenge of today is to save money but in the future do the job more efficiently and with a higher level of intelligence, keeping in mind that the requirements for a hot splice can increase. It means that you need a Vulcanizing Press with the maximum freedom to meet future requirements in belt development (--> maximum pressure and maximum temperature and process time). Further you will have to prove that the job has be done perfectly.

The best technology available is a Vulcanizing Press with 1) a Waterbag and not an Airbag or hydraulic pistons; 2) a pressure sensor installed on the Waterbag System for checking the surface pressure; 3) A modern electronic checking the temperature, surface pressure and the real time; 4) An electronic interface and a software under Windows capable to show and print all process data during the hot vulcanizing

This are the requirments of such companies like RWE-Rheinbraun in Germany (lignite mines and electricity), one of the trend setter in surface mining in the world.

Dear sir,

What are the advantages of waterbag over air bag ? Presently I am using hydraulic. Planning to buy air bags in future.

Thanking you & regards,

Recommend To New Vulcanizing Press

Posted on 24. Oct. 2018 - 05:52

Would you have interest to try Chinese vulcanizng press?

Recommend To New Vulcanizing Press

Posted on 24. Oct. 2018 - 02:58

Dear people, dear bulkoholics,

Dear Mr. Prof. Sam Wong,

This thread is an old one, I'm not sure that it's usefull to add something so late.

An even and high pressure is one of the key factor to reach a good splicing quality with traditional uncured vulcanizing material. At least the standard DIN 22131 / ISO 15236-4 for steel cord belt splicing recommends that "Mechanical pressure equipment shall use a device to even out the applied pressure". Everybody know that water is not compressible in opposition to air and provide the same pressure on surface. Consequently water bags presses provide a higher guarantee that the pressure distribution will be uniform. Further air bags are limited to 7 bars (100 psi) in several countries because of the risk of explosion. That's why I explained that water bags are better than air bags, which are better than pistons/jack presses.

Of course this can be done with a vulcanizing press made in China, probably quite cheaper than a high end one from Europe or Canada, if you do not taken into account the finishing and further details.

But personnally I think that we need now a real technology change for the joining of belt. We need something which should help to simplify really the job, to reduce the total investment and at least to start the belt quicker!

That why I have developed a new solution: a liquid splicing material under the name Multiface working like hot vulcanizing material with a chemical crosslink but at lower temperature with less pressure and working also almost like standard contact glue but without any solvants. The combination of both reactions provides a solution working at room temperature or at 80°C/176°F with only 1-2 bar pressure, even for the splicing of steel cord belts or for the finger splicing of solid woven belts, but with no prior use of solvents and hazardous products inside. In fact, this will help to reduce the down time, the investment, to reduce the risks and to make the job with less skill requirments.

If you want to know more take a look on other threads like and

Best regards

Edgar Jakob



examples of application with multiface (JPG)