Total Conveyor Managment

Posted on 22. Mar. 2005 - 12:24

Dear sir

Total Conveyor Management is the process service provider and the Customer form a partnership and through a Conveyor Improvement

Team manage and improve the conveyor system. The aim of the Team is to reduce costs, increase availability and increase safety of the conveyor system.

in addition to above can also Service provider can also manages installation and site project by using the systems and procedures developed this may also includes and conducting Risk Auduit, Conveyor Audits, Belt Management, Belt Management, Splice Management,project mananagement



Total Conveyor Management

Posted on 22. Mar. 2005 - 10:14

I would like to extend on the last reply. We have marketed under this concept for many years. While the concept carries many of the aspects identified it is a process whereby we;

a) Do condition,safety,performance and technical audits on the conveyor system to identify key performance issues in respect to system availability, operating costs and safety. Generally we find all these issues linked.

b) We then analyse these findings and agree an improvement processs with key deliverables over an agreed time frame. The contract are usually win/win types as the savings generated will always more than pay for the costs providing you know what you are doing

c) There is a phase wherein you establish sustainable systems and processes that are independent of any individual or skill base and finally

d) There is a monitoring phase wherein you monitor key KPI's to ensure the gains are sustained. This is usually accompanied with various condition monitoring processes such as wear profiling, carry back measuring, idler failure analysis, carcass damage checking.

In many instances service providors offer this as part of a package to get an outsource contract but we find this is not very effective as there is a basic conflict between a service providor who wants to sell his services and a TCM Process which is all about a substantial reduction in maintenance work. We therefore no longer offer to do the service work but if required will manage sub-contractors who will do it to standards we establish and measure. Ideally however it is about empowering the customers workforce and in such instances we have developed a very complete range of training packages to do this over time.

I have no doubt there are variations to the theme but our approach has been a comprehensive one that covers all aspects of a conveyor systems performance from design, through installation, maintenance, management and monitoring.

Hope this helps

Col Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems P/L

Re: Total Conveyor Management

Posted on 23. Mar. 2005 - 01:39

Martin Engineering based in Neponset, IL has numerous sites where we perform total conveyor management. These are custum designed programs that can consist of simple belt cleaner installation and maintenance to complete conveyor maintenance.

Trained technicians can perform the maintenance and if required, our engineers can com pletely modify load zones with state of the art Inertial Flow Technology.

Larry J. Goldbeck Martin Engineering