Magnetic Separator with Steel Cord Belts

Posted in: , on 1. Oct. 2004 - 08:39

Is any special type of magnetic separator necessary for use with steel cord belt installations ?

If so, could someone tell me why ?


Re: Magnetic Separator With Steel Cord Belts

Posted on 1. Oct. 2004 - 10:19

Dear Kayem,

By our knowledge there is no special type of magnetic separator, in your case probably an overbeltmagnet or blockmagnet, to be used for positioning over a steel cord conveyorbelt. You will always have a magnetic field which will influence the steel cords inside the belt. Either when you use electro or permanent magnetic sollutions. In principal these cords will be lightly magnetic. Depending on the rubberlayer, distance to the magnet, etcetera around the steel cords inside the conveyor, these influances will not be of great difficulty when steel parts has to be withdrawn form the productflow. In practise positioning such a magnet over the steel cord belt will not be a problem.

However it is very important to keep in mind is that the rollers over which the belt is running can be of steel. There where the magnet is being positioned the rollers must be replaced by f.e. non-magnetic stainless steel rollers. This counts also for the part of the conveyor-frame construction. When building a new situation one can take this in consideration. When it is an exhisting situation of course this is more difficult.

I hope to have been of help to your question.

If you you have any further need of information you can always contact me ;

Best regards,

Eugene van den Boomen

Sales Engineer

Goudsmit Magnetic Systems BV

Petunialaan 18


The Netherlands

Tel : +31-402213283

Fax : +31-402217325

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(not verified)

Magnetic Separator With Steel Cord Belts

Posted on 1. Oct. 2004 - 11:07

Dear all,

We have a Electromagnet installed over the Steel cord belt, for picking up any iron/steel pieces passing with the material. The distance kept from the belt is 500 mm. we do not face any problem due to steel cord in the belt.


(not verified)

Magnetic Separator With Steel Cord Belts

Posted on 4. Oct. 2004 - 12:48

Steel corded belts do not normally create a noticeable separation problem on tramp iron separation under suspended magnets. Any magnetic induction effect will depend on the size of the cords, the thickness of rubber above the cords, the shape and size of the iron and the strength and nature of the magnetic field. In smaller critical applications, where the cords are close to the iron, the effect can be minimised by using a twin pole magnet. This has the effect of releasing any iron held down by induction, as the polarity changes. There should of course be no other magnetic items such as rollers or slider plates under the belt in the separation area.

Paul Genner

Applications Engineer

Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd


Tel: +44 29 2086 8501


Sacrifical Conveyor

Posted on 7. Oct. 2004 - 07:53

In our designs we always place the magnets on the conveyors feeding the steel cord conveyors as we would like to collect the tramp iron before it has a chance to destroy the steel cord belt. The damnage will most likely occur when the tramp iron gets caught in the feeding chute; if the magnet is on the steel cord belt after the chute then it's not going to do you any good.

Steve Harrington P.Eng Krupp Canada Inc.