Looking for belt scanning system manufacturers

Posted in: , on 16. Jan. 2007 - 01:26

We are currently looking for a realtime monitoring sytem for steel cord in a rubber reinforced in a rubber conveyor belt.

Could anyone give me some information in this field?

We are looking for a qualified maker in the world, then if buiness goes smoothly, we would then like to apply for their sole agent in China market.

We are currently the grade one distributor for tip-top chains in minding industries. our market is successful in the last 5 years.

It would be appricated if someone know those branded companies who makes this kind of system.

ref. url:


Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 16. Jan. 2007 - 05:28

Do a search on the header bar of this forum for "scanning" You will obtain discussion on the answer you seek.

You can read more about it on Kuzik's website including the MDR with the below contact. This is the best steel cord belt scanning system in the market today.

He has scanned many hundreds of belts. He wrote about it in BSH, according to my memory. I tried to do a search in BSH, but it did not come up.


Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
(not verified)

Articles On Belt Monitoring

Posted on 16. Jan. 2007 - 07:11


I found these references on "belt monitoring" of articles published in "bulk solids handling", but the eLibrary system was not continued after 2001 after I sold Trans Tech. Most of these articles are therefore old.

Company Affiliation: Conveyor Belt Monitoring (CBM)

Title of Article: Conveyor Belt Monitoring - A Company Profile

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1988 Volume: 8 Number: 3 Page: 363

Type of Article: Company Profile

Fields of Interest: Company Profiles

Company Affiliation: CBM Australia

Title of Article: Conveyor Belt Monitoring

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1991 Volume: 11 Number: 1 Page: 333

Type of Article: Company Profile

Fields of Interest: Company Profiles

Name of Author: Bhattacharya, J.

Company Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Title of Article: Monitoring Belt Conyeyor Perfomance by CUSUM Control Method

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1994 Volume: 14 Number: 2 Page: 295

Type of Article: Original Article

Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying

Article published in 'The Best of ...' book: I/2000 Part II (Belt Conveyor Technology - Parts I, II & III)

Name of Author: Harrison, A.

Company Affiliation: CSIRO

Title of Article: Review of Conveyor Belt Monitoring Research in Australia

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1985 Volume: 5 Number: 6 Page: 1181

Type of Article: Original Article

Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying

Article published in 'The Best of ...' book: I/86 (Conveyor Belt Technology)

Name of Author: Harrison, A.

Company Affiliation: CSIRO

Title of Article: A New Development in Textile-Ply Belt Monitoring

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1988 Volume: 8 Number: 2 Page: 231

Type of Article: Original Article

Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying

Article published in 'The Best of ...' book: I/94 (Belt Conveyor Technology)

Name of Author: Harrison, A.

Company Affiliation: Conveyor Technologies Ltd.

Title of Article: Real-time Conveyor Belt NDT by Telemonitoring

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 2000 Volume: 20 Number: 3 Page: 313-316

Type of Article: Original Article

Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying

Name of Author: Harrison, A., Barfoot, G.

Company Affiliation: Conveyor Technologies Ltd.

Title of Article: Steel Cord Belt Monitoring for Commissioning Tests and System Evaluation

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1994 Volume: 14 Number: 1 Page: 43

Type of Article: Original Article

Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying

Article published in 'The Best of ...' book: I/2000 Part II (Belt Conveyor Technology - Parts I, II & III)

Name of Author: Vogel, R.

Company Affiliation: Conveyor Belt Monitoring

Title of Article: Quality Assurance Testing of Steel Cord Conveyor Belting

Published in Journal: bulk solids handling

Year: 1988 Volume: 8 Number: 5 Page: 587

Type of Article: Original Article

Fields of Interest: Belt Conveying

Article published in 'The Best of ...' book: I/94 (Belt Conveyor Technology)

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 16. Jan. 2007 - 07:29

The original belt scanning system was developed by Alex harrison when he worked for the CSIRO and this led to the establishment of CBM (Conveyor Belt Monitoring). It would still be the largest scanning company in the world and has definitely pioneered remote scanning where they can down load data remotely and send reports. Their recent advances are pretty impressive. They are Australian based and the MD is Paul Spiteri. Contact details are info@cbmi.com.au and their web address is www.cbmi.com.au. Hope this helps

Colin Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems P/L

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 17. Jan. 2007 - 03:15

thank your guys for your kindly help. I am going to do more study on the companies you mentioned.

Thanks again for your help!


(not verified)

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 17. Jan. 2007 - 07:16


One of our companies have all the information you would require on scanning steelcord belts we scan them everyday all over the world. Please contact Mr Peter Thorpe on the following

peter.thorpe@rescan.com.au for all your requirements.

QUOTE]Originally posted by saneryin

We are currently looking for a realtime monitoring sytem for steel cord in a rubber reinforced in a rubber conveyor belt.

Could anyone give me some information in this field?

We are looking for a qualified maker in the world, then if buiness goes smoothly, we would then like to apply for their sole agent in China market.

We are currently the grade one distributor for tip-top chains in minding industries. our market is successful in the last 5 years.

It would be appricated if someone know those branded companies who makes this kind of system.

ref. url:


Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 20. Jan. 2007 - 03:23

The best way to become informed on belt scanning, as sold by the consultants, is to request and review their field reports from typical scans.

You must ask some critical questions or know what the report should say as opposed to what the saleperson wants you to believe.

1. Does the report observe and report on every cable? Every cable and show its breaks and orientation within the splice. Every cable, not sums of cables, zones of cables, bunches of cables.

2. Does the report show sensitivity to individual wire breaks within the cable's construction? Can the report alter the sensitivity to wire breaks from macro to micro during post-scanning? This allows you to pin-point areas where you wish to see more in local areas from lesser indicators. If you try the micro, at first blush, you may become overwhelmed.

3. Does the report show sensitivity to corrosion that may be different from wire breaks?

4. Does the report show the precise splice pattern? Precise mean every cable, every splice step, every end of cable and butts.

5. Does the report show the orientation of the direction of travel so that the break, wire and cable corrosion zones, splice details, noted above, of every cable are depicted and indicate, with reasonable accuracy, the actual lengths of the damage.

6. How sensitive is the recording system to belt flutter and speed?

I am sure that this is the tip of the iceberg. Let the saleman do his/her thing.

Its all in what you need to know. Not what somebody else sells you what he wants you to know.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 24. Jan. 2007 - 04:17

Hi All,

Just to continue with the Larry Nordell theme and provide some balance between the developers, clients and end users of Steel Cord and Fabric Conveyor belt Scanning Systems.

rEscan systems and our condition monitoring program are based on our ability to monitor, identify and prioritise (for repair or replacement) all damage locations including;

Cord breaks

Cord corrosion

Minor strand damage

Splice elongation and

Bond failures within the belting and splices

Regular monitoring gives us the ability to trend these locations to prevent catastrophic failure.

Developers can put all the bells and whistles they think of to give themselves a (perceived) marketing advantage, but when it comes to what is cost effective, applicable and beneficial to a client and for a monitoring program we look at the following;

Quality of data, analysis, operator and reporting,

Training of site personnel in damage identification,

Communication and understanding of findings,

Actions of those responsible persons, (engineering or other)

Impact on production (the lower the better),

Cost and cost benefit.

Hope you are all well and a happy new year.

Kind regards,

Peter Thorpe

General Manager

rEscan International



Phone: 61 2 49732399

Fax: 61 2 49407061

Mobile: 61 410649256

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 24. Jan. 2007 - 07:21

Dear Mr. Thorpe,

I am sure your "fair and balanced comments" are not implying that I have any stake in Canada Conveyor Belt or any other operations of Mr. Kuzik, including his belt scanning system. I feel some could interepret a different meaning to "your providing a balance between developers".

I am not a salesman for any product other than the products of our company unless they give CDI, and the industry we serve, a decided advantage. Since we do not sell belt scanning services, who better to stand in judgement.

Your comments sound like a politcal call to arms (Bells & Whistles give perceived marketing advantage), and that I or my company have some interest in Mr. Kuzik's Belt Scanning "development", marketing, or loose $$ bills. I do not. Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. does not, nor have we ever had any technical or commercial involvement with his belt scanning enterprise, save, the antidote.

I stated that his scanning method and the results that follow cannot be beat by any other scanning system. I also gave a litmus test that should give good "perceived" measure of any scanning system. Do you doubt this or do you have a better product? If so, I am game to give it a go. Let's not inuendo.

Clients pay for my services to inform, to recommend, and to specify best fit-for-purpose aids for their industry. I try to comply with objective reasoning. I will stand to any scrutiny on this subject.

I commend all who put the sweat equity into their business and make our industry more competitive. I always recommend the most successful of these competitors and bow to their superiority.

I close this discussion with an antidotal "balance between developers" story. I recommended another well known scanning company to a client. The scanning firm delivered a report stating the belt was fit-for-purpose. Within the month, the belt parted from corrosion in the cables. We learn from our mistakes.

Caveat Emptor.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 25. Jan. 2007 - 11:35

Thanks Mr Nordell,

Appreciate your loyalty and commitment to the industry and I understand your knowledge and advice is well respected throughout the globe. I look forward to meeting with you in the some time in the near future?

I am sure there are many business owners and managers in a similar situation as CDI. As you stated "not a salesman for any product other than the products of our company unless they give CDI, and the industry we serve, a decided advantage".

Those companies like rEscan International, use, develop, recommend and promote products that "they" provide, and to hopefully give their company an advantage over competitors.

My point was that we can all spend many thousands of dollars in the latest technology and develop/improve systems, services and products ("with all the bells and whistles") that are more superior to anything on the market. But unless there is a real cost benefit to the end user there will be limited marketability.

I do not want to discourage those who are willing to give time, effort and money to develop systems and services but, as a business person you know that the market always dictate the value of such items and this determines the profitability and longevity of such companies.

The splice failure you mentioned in your last post. No excuses to the scanning company! Again this comes back on the technology, people, reporting but we cannot leave out client responsibilities. This must have caused concern to all involved?

It is good that there are companies like CDI that research and test our products to identify the most appropriate system and service available to customers in a non biased manner. I would like to know more on the assessment of products and services recommended by CDI?

Again I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Happy Australia day to you all for 26th January 2006

(beer and prawns for you all)

Kind regards,

Peter Thorpe


General Manager

rEscan International


Phone: 61 2 49732399

Mobile : 61 410649256

Re: Looking For Belt Scanning System Manufacturers

Posted on 25. Jan. 2007 - 02:43

Dear Mr. Thorpe,

I can only disagree with one comment: " market always dictate the value and determines the profitability and longevity of companies'.

There are many good products and services that are do not see the light of day due to ignorance, cultural biases, competitor negative selling with false or misleading claims, et al. I cringe when this obvious negative response is publiciized and I feel a footnote is in order.

I may have over reacted to your comments, when in fact, you were not pitching against one product but, gereically marketing on special attributes of your stock and trade.

I look forward to a meeting you in OZ or other opportune venue to collaborate on the visions we have in common.

Viva la tinto and for all the other good products of OZ.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Stephen Riddell
(not verified)


Posted on 2. Feb. 2007 - 05:15

Dear Mr Nordell,

I have "watched" with interest your conversation with Mr Thorpe and, although I sit on Mr Thorpe's side of the fence, I certainly agree with your responses. No, I do not believe you over-reacted. Considering the technology that Mr Thorpe is defending was borrowed from our original design (which was based on Alex Harrison's original ideas), his company's input to the research and development cost of CBM was and still is rather minimal and certainly reflects his negative comments about "bells and whistles".

I will also wait with interest to see your reaction when the next generation CBMI systems (based on magnetic flux) that allow both individual cable / wire real-time monitoring and system control enter the market, and if you change your opinion about which is the better technology. Let me know if you'd like to evaluate a system or any of the other products we are releasing.

Best regards

Stephen Riddell

Business Development Manager

CBM International

