The Innovator Speaks_One Of 3 Long Overland Conveyors

Posted on 22. Jan. 2011 - 06:40

I have been following the different threads and how many contributors refer to the state of the industry and what low expectations of delivered conveyor or ancillary componentry have been accepted by clients. To show my meaning, I have been writing of my experiences, as a glorified Fitter, Safety & Training Officer with considerable conveyor experience, a set of short concise documents as The Innovator Speaks.

To view the attached document in MS Word, the comments are my own and the photographs are some taken to with permission and the restricted videos which were supplied on the sites for my comments only and not for general publication as per normal industry standards.

My comments do not reflect on any company, mine, port or other entity but I believe that people acting on behalf of themselves or companies they represent should have the information at hand so they can make the best informed decisions available before they select the best criteria to suit their 'Fit for Purpose' acquisitions.

Mechanical Doctor There is No such thing as a PROBLEM, just an ISSUE requiring a SOLUTION email:- [email][/email] Patented conveyor Products DunnEasy Idler Assembly & Onefits conveyor Idler Roll [WINNER] Australian Broadcasters Corporation's TV 'The New Inventors' Episode 25 - 27th July 2011 [url][/url]