Dual drive

TMSA Tecno Moageira Ltda. Brazil
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 5. Mar. 2007 - 17:15

Hi all,

I have a project of a belt conveyor with 745m, with capacity of a 2.500 t/h.

The original project consists in 220Kw drive on the head pulley and 110Kw on the tail pulley, the take up system is a 170m from the head.

My question is: will it works? It will have problems with take up??



Rajesh Mendirat - River Consulting, USA
(not verified)

Re: Dual Drive

Posted on 6. Mar. 2007 - 11:27

How much is the conveyor lift, what is the material and what are the drive arrangement are you using?

TMSA Tecno Moageira Ltda. Brazil
(not verified)

Re: Dual Drive

Posted on 16. Mar. 2007 - 12:15

Mateial: Grain

Bulk Density: 750Kg/m3

Conveyor lift:32m

belt velocity: 3,3m/s

Drive arragement: Single pulley drive at head + single pulley drive at tail.

Does any problem with take up??


Re: Dual Drive

Posted on 18. Mar. 2007 - 02:33

1. Why drive at the tail?

2. Why drive through the take-up with a proportionally high amount of total conveyor power?

3. You don't have enough power.

4. You don't tell us the take-up mass selelction, belt selection, idler selection and spacing, et al.

5. Why split the drive ratios (220:110 kW) and motor selections ignoring standardization when you state one drive at head and one at tail?

6. You give no design details necessary to make informed judgement.

7. There is no problem to make a take-up work in the noted location, assuming there is good reason to do so.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Dual Drive

Posted on 24. Mar. 2007 - 07:04

Dear Emerson

I would put the second drive not at end pulley, but at the head, near de primary drive.

And the take up would be placed at T2 side near the secondary drive.

So, we out have the take-up placed for lower tension side of the belt

Check the power again.

Think about to apply more speed for this belt, depending on of the transported materials.

As Mr. Nordell told, the installed power is really far bellow the required one.


Alexandre Calijorne

Caltra Projetos & Consultoria

email caltrapc@yahoo.com.br

Alexandre Costa Calijorne Caltra Projetos & Consultoria Ltda [url]www.caltra.com.br[/url] [email]alexandre@caltra.com.br[/email] phone/fax: +55 31 2555-9097