DIN 22131 (Part 1)

Posted in: , on 2. Sep. 2009 - 13:39

Is it true that DIN 22131 (Part 1) has been withdrawn and superceded by some other standard ?

If so, can someone let me know which standard has now superceded DIN 22131-1 ?

If not, can someone let me know which was the last edition year for DIN 22131-1 and from where / which website can I buy a copy of this standard ?


Re: Din 22131 (Part 1)

Posted on 5. Sep. 2009 - 08:19

This looks like a job for DIN themselves. Parts 2 & 3 are still on the go but Part 1 has disappeared from the website. If a Standard is defunct; why do you need it?

Re: Din 22131 (Part 1)

Posted on 6. Sep. 2009 - 07:09

You probably have not read my query carefully.

Is DIN 22131-1 defunct ???? IF SO, where do I get it's successor standard ?

IF NOT, where do I get the latest DIN ?

Sometimes It All Gets Too Much!

Posted on 6. Sep. 2009 - 10:57

Yes I did read your query carefully: you didn't read the reply.

With tears in my eyes .....GO AND ASK DIN!