Cover Rubber Standards

Posted in: , on 19. Dec. 2009 - 08:37

cover rubber standards of RMA I, RMA II and RMAII?


I have a question to ask you.

I want the cover rubber standard of RMA I, RMAII and RMAIII ?

I find the standard before, but I'm not sure the ture or fault.

RMA Grade #1 Cover tensiles of 2500 lbs. 400% elongation.

RMA Grade #2 Cover tensiles of 2000 lbs. 400% elongation.

RMA Grade #3 No specifications.

Could somebody talk to me, thanks....

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Cover Rubber Standards

Posted on 19. Dec. 2009 - 10:16

We are not aware what / if the RMA standard specifies with regards to abrasion requirements or what is the most current specification.

A brief internet romp yields many manufactures which claim to either / both meet and exceed RMA requirements and state abrasion values (though these provided values which claim to either / both comply with RMA requirements, varies).

In AUS we have "standards" (AS1332/3) which specify amongst other specifications rubber properties including abrasion requirements. They may be other performance requirements for your application not mentioned in these standards.



(not verified)

Re: Cover Rubber Standards

Posted on 5. Jan. 2010 - 08:12
Quote Originally Posted by carey HyngView Post
Thanks a lot,

But the standard was 1994,

Does it have new standard?

How about the standard of abrasion?

I have a data about abrasion, the standard of RMA 1 is the same of RMA 2:

the abrasion data is 200.

