Cold (vulk)fasten 40 shore rubber(latex)

Posted in: , on 22. Dec. 2004 - 23:35

Do any one know some method to join 40 shore rubber (latex) whith a cold method and with out losing the elastecy . I usuly use regular tow compontet glue for rubber (belts) contitechs contisecur . It works but now nead to make some detales that neads to be solid as the materia and elastic even that i nead to do som coald joints. So pleas do anyone know the method. do i nea some sot of primer? or som special glue to join the 40 shore (latex) and if its possebly i nead a product thats not linkt to linatex


Cold Vulcanizing 40 Shore Rubber

Posted on 27. Feb. 2005 - 08:49

If the subject is still actual let us know more about this specific belt (number of plies, strength etc.)
(not verified)

Re: Cold (Vulk)Fasten 40 Shore Rubber(Latex)

Posted on 7. Mar. 2005 - 09:01

Hi there,

We have a two component polychloroprene adhesive that goes with a single part primer for latex bonding.

This is our Eli-Bond FR700 adhesive and FR704 primer.

You can view more info at :

Best Regards,

Aram Friedrich

The Subject Is Still Actual

Posted on 7. Mar. 2005 - 11:01

the subject is still actual but it dosnt help if i specific belt (number of plies, strength etc.) what im intressted in and whats my problem is the joining of the 40 shore rubber that will be strong and long lasting.

im thankful for all awnsers