Drying Of Particles In An Air Stream

Mark Kilfoil
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 18. Dec. 2002 - 07:36


I am busy with research which involves drying of particles whilst they are being conveyed by hot air. Anybody else working in a similar or related area ? If so, I would like to make contact.



Mark Kilfoil

Mechanical Engineering

Technikon Witwatersrand

Phone + 27 1 406 2300

E-mail : mkilfoil@mail.twr.ac.za

(not verified)

Re: Drying Of Particles In An Air Stream

Posted on 1. Aug. 2004 - 01:09

Hello Mark.

I am an inventor from Norway with a patented technology called MultiVector. This technology we have used in maixing,coating processes for some years and the last 4 years in drying and cooling processes as well.

This is in bottom a mixer, batch or continouos, with a mechanically agitating system of 2 or more rotors for creating a fluidized "bed" of powders.

For drying processes we use either heated gas (air) or steam in an open or closed loop.

Of course if you have a small varitation of the particle size it is effective to dry in a pipeline. To my knowledge called a flash dryer.

Our technology have a few, but perhaps major advantages:

1) Homogeneity in temperature include all particles in the machine. This is important due to the quality of the final dried product-no overheated particles-no particles forgotten.

2) Moisture level in raw product is not critical. The relative moisture content is sometimes different due to the particle size.

3) The high evaporation rate will keep the product temperature low if the water activity is good. The product temp. will rise at the end of the syclus.

4) With steam drying the drying process can be designed with a very short syclus time use.

5) By using a closed loop there is now emission/smell to the close areas.

6) Protein quality is not damaged, and even amino acids are dried with a very good result.

7) These machines can be very optimized to most any process.

The major advantage is the homogeneity, that eliminate negative influence of various particle size. And this is the fact for most processes.

If this should be in your interest, please reply and I will contact you by mail.

Best regards


Dr M Bradley
(not verified)

Flash Drying

Posted on 13. Aug. 2004 - 10:48

This is quite well known technology, so I would be interested to hear the direction of your research. Our particular relevant expertise is in the particle transport aspect, but we do have some knowledge of the mass-transfer aspects and also we have some friends working in the drying aspects.

Why not drop me an aemail so we can talk?

