Milling ZrO2: Micron Level

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 23. May. 2006 - 00:51

I am a student and for my thesis I will be working with a ceramic that is mostly ZrO2. As I have recently learned, this material is rather hard to mill down to the micron level (needed for X-Ray Diffraction).

I was wondering if anyone has experience trying to mill this material and what laboratory level solutions are available. I would be working with pellet sized samples (about 5g).

I realize this may be naive but I was hoping to find a solution (ie. equipment) for about a thousand dollars since that could be more easily be worked into the budget - although I realize this is probably hopelessly naive.

Just wondering if there are suggestions. I was looking at jet micronizers since it would allow the material to grind itself. Anyone think pounding it with a hammer can get it down to a micron powder in a reasonable period of time!!??



Re: Milling Zro2: Micron Level

Posted on 24. May. 2006 - 12:43

I bet the nano material thread will prove useful.

John Gateley

Re: Milling Zro2: Micron Level

Posted on 11. Jul. 2006 - 01:02

Use of a planetary mill from the company Retsch and alternativly from Fritsch will be an appropriate solution.

Stefan Gerl