Re: Valves For Cement Transportation

Posted on 21. Jun. 2006 - 06:06

Ball Valve and Pinch valves work very well and give clear bore.

Butterfly valves could be used but then you dont have a

clear bore.


Re: Valves For Cement Transportation

Posted on 21. Jun. 2006 - 06:20

Dear Darius,

Rubber seated butterfly valves, pneumatically operated work well in cement conveying.

The cemnet should be clean and free from foreign objects (specially ropes and iron bars)

They are easy to replace.

Pinch valves are not my favorites. Open pinchvalves (knife valves)are a big problem when they burst. A complete kettle content is spilled or in case of a contineous flow, the time between burst and stopping the installation plus the depressurizing time of the pipeline cement will be spilled.

Closed pinch valves will contaminate your pneumatic controll system, when a leak pinch occurs.

This is also the case with butterfly valves with inflateble seats.


good luck
