The solid/air ratio - how to define ?

Posted in: , on 4. Dec. 2002 - 11:51

The "bloody question" of the dense phase

pneumatic conveying is how to define the

solid/air ratio on the first stage of a project.

Very simple and reliable test based on the

"flush effect" was developed and used

to give "green light" or "red light" for

many projects.

Sample of 1 kg of a bulk material is enough

to predict the solid/air ratio as a function

of the transport distance.

The very high repeatability and efficiency

of the test was confirmed by the special

investigation in the Ben-Gurion University.

Michael Rivkin

biplab K. Datta - POSTEC, Norway
(not verified)

Re: The Solid/Air Ratio - How To Define ?

Posted on 5. Dec. 2002 - 08:57


I am bit unsure about what you are looking for here !!!

Can you please be more explicit about what you are looking for !

Could you please explain in a bit more detail the test you use for GREEN SIGNAL ?

How you define all parameters based on such test ?

best regards

The Solid/Air Ratio- How To Define

Posted on 8. Dec. 2002 - 12:43

Our target was to get a modified coefficient

based on an experimental data.

The percentage of the 1kg sample which is

thrown out ( under action of the "flush

effect" ) from the special short pipe, and

bulk/specific density - the only required

factors for the coefficient calculation.

Note: we carried out hundreds of tests to

find out the only length/dia ratio of the pipe

and initial pressure to get reliable and

repeatable results.

Next step: we have calculated coefficients

for long row of known materials and data

of dense phase pneumatic systems,so

each new coefficient can be compared with

the known materials coefficients and put

in the row.

Now we can confirm that the new material

transportability (solid/air ratio as the function

of the distance ) will be similar to cement,

alumina, pulv.coal (dry or wet ),granular

potash or other.

We can confirm also when it is not worth

to use a dense phase system for the

tested mareial - solid/air ratio will be too

low - red light !

Michael Rivkin