Raw mix transport

Posted in: , on 5. Sep. 2006 - 21:47

I want to design a pneumatic conveyor in dilute phase to raise the raw mix for the cement production gathered in the electrostatic filter composed by 75 % of limestone and 25 % of clay. I have available a root blower that allows me to be employed at the entry (1 bar, 20ºC) from 12 m3/min to 29 m3/min with pressure differential among 600 mb to 800 mb, t2 = 80-100ºC, regulating the speed of rotation. The nourishment to the conveyor will be with rotating valve and a chute of storage.

The specifications are:

a)Size of particles: 99 % minor of 0,09 mm

b) Humidity: 0,7 %

c) Quantity: 12000 kg/hour

d) Bulk density: 800 kg/m3

e) Density: 2500 kg/m3

f) Height: 47m

g) Total distance horizontal:15 m

h) Bends: 3

The questions are the following ones:

a) What speed of the gas must I consider to be ideal in the zone of nourishment of the material?. Some authors recommend 30 m/s but it seems to be very raised for these particles.

b) What friction coefficient among the material and the pipeline must I consider for the calculation of the losses of pressure?. I have found authors who say that the losses for this reason ranges between 30 % and 400 % of the product of the load and the loss for the movement of the air, but what value must I take?.

c) A pipeline of inside diameter of 0,128 mm, schedule 40 would it be adapted for the system?. What quantity of entry I must obtain in blower considering the loss in the rotating valve?. What difference of pressure would it obtain?

Greets your attention,

Eng. Ren Laserna Nogueras

Cementos Curazao S. A.

Mariel, La Habana


E-mail: rlaserna@cemmar.com.cu

Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 5. Sep. 2006 - 08:51

Dear Mr Nogueras,

Actually, you are asking for a preliminary design, rather than posing a technical or technological question.

But using your information, this case can be used to illustrate the way how such a pneumatic system is working and how it can be designed.

To be complete, I would like to know the make and type of the roots blower and if possible the name plate data.

This enables me to calculate the volumetric efficiency.

The rotary lock, I can calculate, unless you already have one. Then I need the data.

Regarding your questions:

a)30 m/sec is far too high

b)Friction coefficient is related to the calculation algorithm used and therefore no answer is possible.

c)pipe diameter (0.128 m instead of 0.128mm) and airlock losses will follow from the calculation for 12 tons/hr.

hear from you



Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 6. Sep. 2006 - 02:56

This sounds like a typical CKD scenario.

1. You will be fine with 15-16 m/s inlet velocity

2. 5” (130mm id) pipe. 12tph will work fine in this size pipe.

3. 20 m3/min FAD and 800 mbar differential will be sufficient for your application. This flow rate is in the middle of your blower curve so you will be fine with this blower and don’t forget to add RV air leakage to this value.

4. As far as frictional coefficients are concerned they are material dependent and are normally determined in pilot scale plants.


Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 6. Sep. 2006 - 03:00

Dear Mr. Tuinenburg,

Thank you very much for your rapid response.

The available blower is a mark AERZEN model GMa 13.f7 of rotating pistons.

The rotating valve is necessary to acquire.

Exactly, the dimension of the proposed pipeline is 0,128m.


Ren Laserna Nogueras

Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 6. Sep. 2006 - 03:24

Dear Mantto,

In agreement to your response I can operate on the blower to 2300 RPM with 21,4 m3/min (FAD) and consumption of power of 36,5 kw.

One of the consulted documents says that for the material that I am going to transport I must calculate the pressure drop for the rubbing with the pipeline replacing Darcy's coefficient with the product of the load and 0,006.

Thanks a lot.


Ren Laserna Nogueras

Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 6. Sep. 2006 - 08:43

Dear Rene Laserna Nogueras,

The first step in this preliminary design was to calculate the suspension velocity of the


I gave it the name limestone, although it is a mixture of 75% limestone and 25% clay.

Based on 80 microns average size and a particle density of 2500 kg/m3 the floating velocity of one particle is 2.04 m/sec

Then the minimum wall velocity is assumed to be 1.5 times the local floating velocity.

(Locations in the pipe line where the pressure is higher, the floating velocity is lower)

In the mean time the pipe line is modeled into a matrix, describing the pipe diameters, -lengths and angles as well as the curvature and orientation of the bends.

As I am very familiar with Aerzen equipment, ( I will be visiting them tomorrow) I just have to fill in the displaced volume per revolution and the leakage per 100 mbar op pressure difference and together with the blower rpm, the blower performance is calculated for the

set pressure.

After that, the capacity of the rotary lock is set at 20 tons/hour,

resulting in a rotary lock of 0.040 m3/rev. and 15 rpm at a filling efficiency of 0.7.

The following step was to calculate a capacity – pressure curve for the lowest acceptable velocities or airflows (blower rpm)


I made 2 calculations, one for 1200 rpm and the second for 1000 rpm.

The results of the calculations are given below.

Rene Laserna Nogueras rene d 09-06-2006

Pressure discharge Limest

Blower Aerzen GMa 13f7 – 1200 rpm

Convey length = 62 m

Nu of bends= 3

Pump vol = 0 .16 + 0.18 m^3/s

q-convey = 0.18 m^3/s

Dia begin = 128 mm Dia end = 128 mm

Pipevolume =0 .79 m^3


Press--------. Cap.-------mu -------------------v-begin------- v-end------ kWh/ton---- res.time

1.000------- 29--------- 44-----rot.lock ------- 7.0----------13.5-------0.82-----------8.46

0.750------- 24----------35-----rot.lock -------8.3----------14.1-------0.74-----------7.36

0.500------- 18---------25------ rot.lock -------10.2---------14.9------0.68-----------6.24

0.250------- 10----------12------ rot.lock-------13.2--------16.2-------0.71---------- 5.10

Rene Laserna Nogueras rene d 09-06-2006

Pressure discharge Limest

Blower Aerzen GMa 13f7 – 1000 rpm

Convey length = 62 m

Nu of bends= 3

Pump vol = 0.12 + 0.14 m^3/s

q-convey = 0.15 m^3/s

Dia begin = 128 mm Dia end = 128 mm

Pipevolume = 0.79 m^3

-------------- Pipeline

Press----------Cap------mu ------------------v-begin-----v-end------kWh/ton----res.time

1.000----------20-------40-------rot.lock-------7.0 ------10.2---------1.00-------11.10---sediment

0.750----------20-------37------- rot.lock-------7.5------10.8---------0.77-------- 9.75---sediment

0.500----------15-------27-------rot.lock-------7.9-------11.7 --------0.68--------8.34

0.250----------9--------14-------rot.lock -------10.5----12.9----------0.66--------6.62

The product collision losses are considered to be similar to cement, by using the same

friction factor.

The product is also considered dry and non cohesive and therefore fluidizable and conveyable, which I think is justified.

As I do not have field data of this limestone product, the made calculations are to be considered as indicative.

If you already have pneumatic conveying installations for limestone in your plant, I could use the field data of these installations to increase the accuracy of the predicted results.

If you equip the rotary lock with a Volt/Hertz regulated drive, you will be able to control the capacity and thereby the pressure.

Take care for a high precision rotary lock, because the blow back of convey air through the rotary valve can influence the filling degree in such a way that the pneumatic conveying starts oscillating, whereby the pressure varies between f.i. 800 mbar and 150 mbar.

Also the rpm regulation can be coupled to the conveying pressure, in order to obtain a constant conveying pressure and capacity.

Do not forget to consult your regular suppliers with experience in this branch.

hope to have informed you sufficiently

best regards



Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 6. Sep. 2006 - 10:00

Dear Mr Nogueras,

Darcy equation is normally used for calculating air only losses. A number of modified forms of this equation are available to calculate solid contribution to the total system pressure loss which require these friction factors. Again these are only estimations and give a rough pressure drop estimate. Since there a number of equations available these coefficients also vary depending upon the equation form you are using. For better algorithms, pressure drop is broken into horizontal vertical straight pipe, bend and acceleration pressure drops they give better accuracies.

As I suggested in my previous post 800 mbar differential will be enough for your system. From my experience with this product I think your system pressure drop will be around 500mbar for the lengths involved.

Dear Mr Teus in my experience this type of dust is not fluidizable so your assumption for using cement conveying characteristic might not be correct. Couple of years ago we carried out conveying characteristics trials on different grades of this dust and found it cannot be conveyed in dense phase / low velocities



Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 12. Sep. 2006 - 04:33

Dears Mantoo and Teus,

According to the search that I have carried out the material that we will transport it corresponds to the classification of Geldart of the group C, that is to say, is not fluidizable just as Mantto clarifies.

As for the diameter average of the particles of 80 microns it is a high value; it is considered that 35 microns are the most appropriate value. Don't forget that it corresponds to the powder picked up by the electrostatic filter that obeys the Law of Stokes that is to say for the calculation of their suspension velocity that turns out to be of 8 cm/s, for being of dimensions so reduced that practically moves to the same speed of the gas, so much in the vertical pipe as in the horizontal one.

We have in the plant two PETERS air lifts that operate with a blower of 252 m3/min FAD to 450 mb of pressure manometric and they transport the same material but something thicker (86% smaller than 0,09 mm) to a capacity of 230 metric tons per hour in a completely vertical pipe of 500 mm of diameter, that is to say, a load of 10,2 kg/kg of air to 17 m/s. I find the speed of 15-16 m/s for the vertical tract correct but I am fearful because the pipe begins with a horizontal tract of 10 m and for the calculations it gives me that the saltation velocity, according to the correlation of Rizk, is from 17 m/s to which Rhodes recommends to work, at least, with 50% above its result but in fact I am not sure it is valid for diameters of particles so small.



Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 12. Sep. 2006 - 06:02

Dear Rene

From the data given for the vertical lift the pick up velocity is approx 14.75 m/s,

which is sufficient to convey the material at an SLR of 12-13 In a vertical pipe

I see no reason to be fearful for horizontal.

Furthermore as you can see this velocity is sufficient in a 500mm dia pipe and

saltation velocity will be lower for a 128mm pipe as slatation velocity is a function

of Froude Number. This has been discussed in the thread

“Froude Number”. Hope it is helpful in overcoming your fear.

Just out of curiosity what is the height of your vertical lift?


Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 12. Sep. 2006 - 07:28

Dear Mantoo,

In the case of the air lifts the restrictive speed is the choking since it is vertical transport.

The speed of saltacinde 17 m/s refers to the horizontal pipe of 0,128m.

The height of elevation of the airlifts is of 75m where it surrenders to two cyclones in series and to a bag filter with its corresponding fan exhaustor.



Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 12. Sep. 2006 - 10:03

Dear Rene,

Geldart C gives < 30 microns and cohesive and difficult to fluidize.

I looked up the chemical notation of Limestone and found that it is mainle CaCO3.

This product is also used in the desulphurization of coal powered power plants.

It is called Cacium Carbonate and with this product I have recent experience in pneumatic conveying, both in vacuum and pressure mode.

It is correct that this product is difficult to fluidize, but it was also conveyable.

As this product is cohesive, there will be agglomerations of particles,forming a kind of virtual particles that are bigger.

Compared to cement (particle size and material density), I expect that a floating velocity of 1.35 m/sec can be used.

With your info from the air lift, I calculated the product friction factor.

The results of that calculation are presented as:

5/5 230.0 tons/hr

Press: 4500 Press

Part----------length----- v-air-----v-product-----press.drop----v-wall/v-susp----sediment

1 intake-----1.0---------17.7-------15.5------------458.------------ 7.3-------------- no

2 pipe-------74.0--------24.4-------22.2-----------4363. ----------- 8.6---------------no

3 outlet------------------24.4--------22.2------------4398.

4 filter-------------------------------------------------4500.

v-filter 0.50 m/min

No booster

Length 75 M

Residence time in pipe line = 4.03 sec

Power 267.kW

Energy consumption 1.16 kWh/ton (0.47 ltr gasoil/ton)

Re = 5.68 * 10^5

Rene Limestone ald

Notice that v-wall/v-susp has a value of 7.3 to 8.6.

This ratio represents the air velocity along the wall of the pipeline (which is lower than the average air velocity) divided by the local suspension velocity of the (virtual) particle.

A ratio of approx 2 is sufficient to keep particle afloat (no sedimentation)

The conveying curve is:

Rene al d 09-12-2006

Pressure discharge Limest

Convey length = 75 m

Nu of bends= 0

Pump vol = 4.19 + 4.19 m^3/s

q-convey = 4.20 m^3/s

Dia begin = 500 mm Dia end = 500 mm

Pipevolume = 14.72 m^3


Press.-------Cap----- mu ------v-begin-------v-end------kWh/ton------res.time

0.450--------229------12 ------17.7-----------24.4-----------1.16-----------4.03

0.400--------214------11 ------18.3-----------24.4-----------1.17----------- 3.93







Then I recalculated the dia 128 mm installation, using the derived product resistance factor from the air lift installation.

Rene Laserna Nogueras rene d 09-12-2006

Pressure discharge Limest

GMa 13f7 1200 rpm

Convey length = 62 m

Nu of bends= 3

Pump vol = .16 + .18 m^3/s

q-convey = 0.18 m^3/s

Dia begin = 128 mm Dia end = 128 mm

Pipevolume = .79 m^3


Press.-------Cap------mu--------------------v-begin---- v-end----- kWh/ton-----res.time

1.000--------21--------31------ rot.lock ------ 6.9-------13.5-------1.14-----------8.40

0.750--------18--------26------- rot.lock-------8.3-------14.1------1.00----------- 7.22

0.500--------15--------20--------rot.lock------10.2-------14.9-----0.85---------- 6.04

0.250---------9--------11--------- rot.lock-----13.2-------16.2-----0.77-----------4.85


Rene Laserna Nogueras rene d 09-12-2006

Pressure discharge Limest

GMa 13f7 1000 rpm

Convey length = 62 m

Nu of bends= 3

Pump vol = .12 + .14 m^3/s

q-convey = 0.15 m^3/s

Dia begin = 128 mm Dia end = 128 mm

Pipevolume = .79 m^3


Press.-----Cap.----mu-----------------v-begin----v-end-----kWh/ton res.time

1.000------18-------37-----rot.lock------5.2-----10.2---------1.06----- 11.42

0.750------16-------31-----rot.lock----- 6.3-----10.8---------0.93------9.67

0.500------13-------23 -----rot.lock-----7.9-----11.7---------0.79------ 7.95


No sedimentation.

If you are afraid whether the chosen velocities are too low, you can always increase the rpm of the Aerzen GMa 13f7 blower (max 3800 rpm)

A new calculation for a higher rpm is now easily performed as all the data are now stored in my computer.

Best regards



Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 13. Sep. 2006 - 03:35

Dear Teus:

Very interesting the obtained results but I want to confirm if my interpretation is correct: with a flow of 0,15 m3/s in the entrance of the pipe can transport 13 toneladas/h from the powder to a pressure of 500 mb with a consumption of power of 10,3 kw and a time of residence of 7,95s. Is it this way? . If the answer is affirmative and comparing with the existent air lift, you don't believe that the time of residence is very high for such a small longitude? . We could use a pipe of 102mm. I also have a model blower Gma 12. 5 that it allows me to work to speeds higher and better efficiencies because the catalog comes defined bigger than 1460 RPM. Since you have the data in their computer I request you to proves with the new data to examine the new numbers.

Bestr regards,


Re: Raw Mix Transport

Posted on 13. Sep. 2006 - 08:04

dear Rene,

Yes, your interpretation of the calculated tables is correct.

With a pipeline length of 62 m and a residence time of 7.95 seconds, the average product velocity is 62 / 7.95 = 7.8 m/sec.

How the velocity is varying along the pipeline can be seen from the calculation below.


Calculation for the Aerzen blower GMa 13f7 (max rpm 3000)

GMa 13f7 1000 rpm

5/5 13.6 tons/hr

Press: 5000 mmWC

Press.drop : 5000 mm WC

Q-blower 0.137 m3/sec

Q-pipeline 0.130 m3/sec

rotary lock loss 0.07 m3/sec


1 intake----1.0------8.0---------7.0-----------231.---------------2.8-----------------NO

2 pipe------4.0------8.0---------7.3----------324.----------------2.8-----------------NO

3 bend---------------8.0--------4.3-----------325.

4 pipe------5.0------8.1--------7.4-----------499.---------------2.9-----------------NO

5 bend--------------8.2---------4.0-----------501.

6 pipe------47.0----11.5-------9.6----------4707.---------------3.4-----------------NO

7 bend--------------11.5--------5.7---------4709.

8 pipe------5.0-----11.7------10.4---------4930.----------------3.4 -----------------NO

9 outlet-------------11.7------10.4---------4938.

10 filter--------------------------------------5000

v-filter 0.39 m/min

No booster

Length 62 M

residence time 7.95 sec

power 11.kW

Energy consumption 0.82 kWh/ton

Re = 0.69


The calculation for the Aerzen blower GMa 12.5 (max rpm 3600)

GMa 12.5 1800 rpm

5/5 13.4 tons/hr

Press: 5000 mmWC

Press.drop : 5000 mmWC

Q-blower 0.134 m3/sec

Q-pipeline 0.127 m3/sec

rotary lock loss 0.07 m3/sec


1 intake----1.0---------7.7---------6.8--------------226.----------2.7---------------NO

2 pipe------4.0---------7.8---------7.1--------------318.----------2.8 ---------------NO

3 bend-----------------7.8----------4.2--------------319.

4 pipe------5.0--------7.9----------7.2--------------490.----------2.8 ---------------NO

5 bend-----------------7.9---------3.9---------------491.

6 pipe-----47.0-------11.2--------9.3--------------4717.---------3.3---------------NO

7 bend-----------------11.2-------5.5---------------4719.

8 pipe-----5.0---------11.4------10.2--------------4934.---------3.3---------------NO

9 outlet----------------11.4------10.2--------------4941.

10 filter ----------------------------------------------5000.

v-filter 0.38 m/min

No booster

Length 62 M

Residence time 8.19 sec

power 10.kW

Energy consumption 0.74 kWh/ton

Re = 0.67

To obtain the desired rpm values it is necessary to have a v-belt drive, as the required

speeds deviate from the synchronous speed of the electric power grid.

All for now

