RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Negative Pressure Systems

Posted on 17. Apr. 2007 - 06:01

There is one in just about every household in the developed world..............................it's called a vacuum cleaner.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Negative Pressure Systems

Posted on 17. Apr. 2007 - 11:51

Ash collection / transportation in power stations using a water inductor (dumped into a water filled hopper for disposal by other means).

Re: Negative Pressure Systems

Posted on 18. Apr. 2007 - 09:35

Dear RPD,

thanks for the information (i knew abt it...chuckle )...looking for an industrial application. Thx anyway.

Dear Lyle Brown,

thank u for the examples. That's helpful.

with best regards,
