Re: Filling Degree In Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 17. Mar. 2009 - 02:55

Dear Sir

Please be advised it is not mandetory to have minimum fill of 66% on a pipe conveyor for steep angle (25 deg).

It very much depends on the material being handled and its characteristics.

Some materials will go up 25 or 30 deg at only say 10/20% fill and some materials will go up with a good fill.

Some materials even with good fill run back on themselves.

Some fluid like materials will only go up 5 or 6 deg with low or high fill.

In this there is large amount of experience and little calculation.

Re: Filling Degree In Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 17. Mar. 2009 - 03:59
Quote Originally Posted by Paul HoltView Post
In this there is large amount of experience and little calculation.

Pipe conveyors have much in common with other bulk materials handling equipment then