Searching for telescopic loading pipe manufacturer

Posted in: , on 17. Jun. 2006 - 16:36


We are searching for manufacturer of telescopic loading pipe. We need to produce and install the telescopic pipes for grain cargoes loading. This pipe must work at the different angles, change its length from 20 till 30 meters abt, and provide capacity up to 700 t/hr.

If the any one have some related information, or can make this pipe for us, all information is required.

Thanks for your attention.

Re: Searching For Telescopic Loading Pipe Manufacturer

Posted on 22. Jun. 2006 - 10:24

Dear sir,

We make grain shipunloaders and loaders, and all all its related machinery, we are experts in dry bulk charge, discharge and bagging, please send full data with autocad drawing if possible to and i am sure we will fullfil your needs and make you the telescopic loading pipe you need.



Manufacturers of Mobile Bagging Machines, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, chain conveyors, mechanical and electro-hydraulic grabs, experts in dry bulk charge, discharge and lightening operations and stevedoring.


Posted on 18. Jul. 2006 - 04:46

Dear Sir,

Please visit our web.

And send us the detail of required spout we can offer you your requirement.

Saravana Kumar.P

Manager Marketing & Service.


Re: Searching For Telescopic Loading Pipe Manufacturer

Posted on 19. Jul. 2006 - 08:31

Dear Vladimir,

We build several types of loaders for grain loading, with dust filter collectors and without.

Please send me your e-mail address, my address is

Best Regards,

Robert Stinchcomb

Director - International Sales / Engineering

Materials Handling Division

BayShore Steel, Inc. USA

Helena Novakova - Hennlich Engineering, Czech Republic
(not verified)

Re: Searching For Telescopic Loading Pipe Manufacturer

Posted on 25. Jul. 2006 - 01:17

Dear Vladimir,

Please, contact me on e-mail:

Send me more specification about the telescopic loading pipe.

It will be our pleasure to prepare you an offer.

Best regards,
