Discharge System for Barley

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 20. Mar. 2010 - 12:44

Dear Sirs

We need a discharge system to empty the barley from the ship within a short period, noting that the ship capacity is around 50 – 70 thousand tons, noting that the Barely density is 650 kg/m3.

Portable system is prefarable.

Looking to receive from you on jame.mech@yahoo.com.

Barley Transloading

Posted on 20. Mar. 2010 - 04:10

At first glance it sems as if you simply wish to copy machinery designs

as you have had many postings offering machineries.

You have to include a lot more information

if you want any answers related to experience.

You have simply stated what you intend to do

with no reference to what you have downstream

as far as recieving equipment, storages of friable grain

in this volume, available transport to the end user if available,

and The barleys end use which will effect its requirement for storage

in relation to kosher standards if it is used for baking or

with the known special requirements for malting or brewing beers.

The first thing you should be doing is contacting a manufacturer

of grain handling machinery.


(not verified)

Discharge System For Barley

Posted on 21. Mar. 2010 - 08:53

what we need is ship unloading system, we clearly stated that the Barely density is 650 kg/m3, and it is in the form of grains. the ship capacity is around 70 thousands ton, and need to empty it as short as we can.. do you have a solution..

Ship Unloader

Posted on 21. Mar. 2010 - 05:47

if you want a ship unloader that is basic with no issues and portable-

you can purchase a walinga ship unloader

please forward your contact information to my via PM and I will help

you with no obligation if you wish.


Re: Discharge System For Barley

Posted on 21. Mar. 2010 - 06:56

Trouble is, the Walinga unit on the web site seems only to do 110 te/hr. So a single unit will take about about 19 days to unload 50,000 te.

A Buhler pneumatic unit can do 350 te/hr so would take only 6 days to unload 50,000 te.

Barley Etc.

Posted on 21. Mar. 2010 - 07:20

I mentioned the Walinga as it is portable, easy to use and as no specifics for port handling were discussed offered and their trailer unit is very light in weight and requires no infrastructure other than place to deliver the barley.

Several of them could be used to do the job in tandem as well by one operator if desired which is common for them.

if we knew more we could do more.


Ship Unloader For Barley!

Posted on 27. Mar. 2010 - 07:51

Pls. send to me your inquiry with full your contact information, you'll be satisfactory!

With my best Regards,

Eng. Pham Van Quyet-Managing Director

Cell phone: (+84) 986 333 375




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