PSL ChemFlux Reactors

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Posted in: , on 26. Sep. 2005 - 00:28

PSL ChemFlux Reactors – a new way to develop drugs!

PSL have developed a series of intelligent reactor systems which allow any chemical or biological process to be monitored, controlled and optimised

to ensure your products get to market faster.

This new range of intelligent reactor systems based upon COFLUX technology will revolutionise drug development and allow faster scale-up through to production. For the first time, accurate, usable calorimetric data can produce meaningful information during process development - a key parameter for any PAT initiative, as processes are scaled-up.

These systems provide effective process analytics in the form of enthalpy, power and heat transfer coefficient enabling a clear and accurate measure of the status and progress of any reaction.

This ability to view the whole process as it happens/develops, instead of relying on snapshots of analytical data or waiting for samples to return from the lab, delivers immediate benefits in the form of process understanding and reduced development time.

Confidently predicting how a process will behave using traditional reactor design has presented many problems primarily caused by the lack of information that these systems provide.

By using this new technology to precisely control key process parameters such as crystallisation points, end point detection and the timing of additions and nutrients ensures that consistently achieving quality products and maximising yields becomes a matter of routine.

Key business benefits of adopting ChemFlux technology include:

•Non intrusive real-time monitoring of reaction & crystallisation processes

•Increased process understanding & optimisation

•Reduced batch to batch variability, rejects & failures

•Reaction / process fingerprinting

•Improved yield & endpoint detection

•Reduced drug development costs

•Reduced development times, getting drugs to market faster

The benefit of analysing reaction data during process development only

becomes truly significant if you can respond to what the results are

telling you, to optimise your process on-line.

For more information, please visit:


psl_powtech_2005 (JPG)

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