Hurricanes & ReCyclone® Systems

Posted in: , on 1. Jan. 2010 - 19:29

Hurricanes and ReCyclone® Systems by Advanced Cyclone Systems

Solving the problem of efficient powder recovery

Efficient recovery of chemical, food and pharmaceutical ingredients after drying and milling processes is still a problem for many bulk handling companies. For the recovery of sensible products, cyclone collectors are frequently irreplaceable equipments for being able to capture the powder directly and avoiding cross contamination with filter bags and product degradation with temperature. However, cyclones are associated with substantial product losses and emissions to the atmosphere due to typical low efficiency.

Hurricane cyclones demonstrate impressive efficiencies in capturing powders with a Median Volume Diameter (MVD) of less than 3-5 µm. These cyclones were obtained after years of work in partnership with the Faculty of Engineering of Porto.

Hurricane geometries maximize powder collection for each different application, while minimizing re-entrainment and keeping pressure drop at reasonable levels. A single Hurricane is more efficient than any other known cyclone available in the marketplace for the same pressure drop (Fig. 1).

A ReCyclone is composed by a Hurricane and by a particle separator (mechanical or electrostatic re-circulator), placed downstream of the cyclone.

The main purpose of recirculation is to reintroduce the fine non-captured particles into the cyclone after those have been driven to the outer walls of the re-circulator by centrifugal or electrical forces. While this tangential gas stream is enriched in particles, the axial gas stream exhaust to the stack is practically invisible.

Efficiency increases due to recirculation and agglomeration of very small particles with larger ones coming directly from the process. Emissions can be as low as those from a typical bag-filter.

This technology was the winner of the 2008 national environmental innovation award (Fig. 2).

Industrial application in the chemical industry

Mechanical ReCyclone® for chemical powder recovery (sulfanilic acid; MVD=17µm) after a 14.000 m3/h at 70ºC fluidized bed dryer.

It was installed to replace a pulse jet bag filter in order to increase powder recovery.

Client: Quimigal S.A.

Location: Estarreja, Portugal

Inlet Concentration: 14g/ Nm3Emissions: 40-80 mg/Nm3

Efficiency: 99,5-99,6%

(Fig. 3).

Please see our scientific papers, references and brochures.

For more information, please visit:


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