DUSTRON for Roads

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 24. Jul. 2008 - 19:54



1.Serious Hazard to the health of the workers leading to dreaded DISEASES like SILICOSIS, PNEUMOCONIOSIS, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, FIBROSIS OF LUNGS, TUBERCULOSIS (T.B.) etc.

2.Particles are broken in two types, ROUNDED & ANGULAR in which Angular particles of Dust are very Harmful for the health. Less than (-5) Micron size Dust is not CONTROL by the NOSTRILS and Angular Dust which are less than (-5) Micron are Penetrated into Lungs, which are the causes of Lungs Diseases.

3.In the Crusher area, the Coal Dust are blowing with the speed of air and the Air Borne Dust are spread over the Crops, and also in the populated area which are harmful for the People, vegetation, Forests, Animals & Cattle and Water Resources also, not only in Mining area, also in total surrounding area of mines.

4.Due to moving of Dust from the Crusher Area &/or Handling Plants with Air, the YIELD DEFICIENCY of Coal is regular feature which is a NATIONAL LOSS.

5.Due to large amount of DUST GENERATION the PRODUCTION is always HAMPERED.

6.The DUST CORROSIVE effect SHORTENS the LIFE of costly Heavy Moving Machinery’s (H.E.M.M.) & increases the Maintenance cost which is a NATIONAL LOSS.

8. The DUST also shortens the life of LUBRICANTS.

9.Effects Operating Efficiency of H.E.M.M. and also impedes VISIBILITY thereby REDUCING PRODUCTION Capacity & also creates a Potential SAFETY HAZARD in OPENCAST MINES.

10.In the winter period the Dust are staging for a longer period which are not settled easily & In the Summer Period the dust generation is too high.



1.SAFETYClear Visibility

No Accident

No DISEASES occur due to dust & over watering.

2.ENVOIRNMENTAgricultural crops does not destroy due to Dust.

Water of surrounding area does not Polluted due to dust.

3.WATER SAVING Spraying of water on haul Roads


FUELWATER TANKER’S – 50% minimum

Few from HEMM & LMV which are moving on haul roads because in clear environment / atmosphere HEMM & LMV are moving in higher gear with constant speed. So diesel consumption is minimizing.

LUBRICANTDust creates friction mixing with lubricants that result in wear which causes mechanical stress as well as mechanical failure.

MAINTENANCE COST Dust creates friction that results in wear which causes mechanical stress as well as mechanical failure.

Repair and maintenance costs can be reduced by15% minimum when dust is properly controlled and managed.

DUMPER / hauler tires and fuel are normally the highest operating expenses. Haul road construction and maintenance play a direct role in either conserving or accelerating tire wear and tire expense.

5.HAUL ROAD MAINTENANCEThe weight and braking of heavy haulers has an impact as deep as 10 to 15 ft. below the surface. For these reasons, there are a lot of dynamics with haul road design.

If your dust control program stabilizes haul road surface and increases surface bearing capacity, tire wear will be conserved. Your dust control program can impact haul road durability and stability.

Mechanical drive systems of today’s haul trucks tend to challenge haul roads because of better braking and steering control. These give operators more confidence to travel at higher speeds and challenge the haul road design to accept these higher speeds.

In addition, as trucks get wider, haul roads must get wider which increases haul road maintenance costs. Therefore, haul trucks have to be more efficient to offset increased haul road costs.

The proper dust control program can significantly improve haul road maintenance and improve haul truck efficiency.

6.PRODUCTIONProduction on the way of Transportation decreases due to generation of dust / dust cloud.

In WINTER SEASON dust creates foggy / opaque environment so production more hampered.

In SUMMER SEASON, generation of dust is in very higher and formation of dust is continuous phenomena through out the clock, so production is decreased.


1.Water – Spray will attract only heavier particles leaving fine particles to continue to blow away.

2.Water evaporates quickly & therefore hot dry climates prevent it from having very little ability to suppress dust.

3.The finer particles formed as DUST FILM particles will blow away & very fast dry the water and finer particles will blow away with water.

4.The Air borne dust are not absorbed / attached with plain / simple / NORMAL WATER.

5.When using huge amount of water to control full dust, mud formation is a regular phenomena.

6.Per Square Meter are require higher amount of Water.

7.Floating Dust is not control / suppressed.


Open Cast Mining Operation release significant quantities of dust in mine atmosphere. With the advent of large scale mechanized open cast operation the Mines are facing a very serious hazard in the form of dust which besides reducing visibility in certain area is also creating a serious health hazard for Worker, Population, vegetation, forests, Equipment/ Machine, Cattle, Animals and Water Resources.

Some of these could be started from point sources, such as Drilling where it is relatively easy to apply specific dust control measures; while fugitive sources like Haulage Roads which are often Kilometres long and which after support loose soil on its surface pose major difficulties in dust consolidation. Cloud of dust scavenged along downwind is a common sight in Strip Mines particularly during vehicle movement in dry months. These mobile sources of particular matter disappear as soon as the vehicle movement is stopped. However, with increased frequency of traffic the cloud may appear to be continuous, and causes delays of transportation. Dust below 72 micron easily becomes air borne and are inhaled by human being but most of it is rejected by the HAIR CILIA present in our NOSTRILS. However, dust below 5 microns is injurious to health and causes the Diseases like Pneumoconiosis, Silicosis, Bronchitis, Fibrosis of Lungs, Tuberculosis (TB), etc. depending upon the nature of the Dust.

FINE DUST rendered Air borne remain in atmosphere for a considerable length of time thereby positively polluting the environment. The best method of preventing roadways dust getting air borne is to consolidate it by wetting the dust with water spray but water sprays alone do not produce good wetting of all deposited dust and large quantity of water may be needed frequently for producing effective result due to propensity of water to evaporate in hot and dry conditions. The fine dust is deposited over water droplets and form dust film. Wetting agent, if added, could increase the ability of water to consolidate and hold together the smaller dust particles as per D.G.M.S. circular No.31 of 1966, Circular No. 62 of 1966 and circular No. 40 of 1967 which had advised the mining industries to use wetting agents for SUPPRESSION of DUST. These Wetting agents were Either SYRUPY LIQUID or NON-IONIC DETERGNT and did not form ionised Emulsion and thus were not very affective for consolidation of loose dust in order to ultimately prevent it from being Air Borne.

Due to limited availability of wetting agents along with absence of correct methodology, correct treatment and non-availability of sufficient water, the industry had not responded to the advice of D.G.M.S. and standard of dust suppression, as a whole remains unsatisfactory.

The haul road may be paved and hard or may be supporting several inches of dust on surface; nevertheless, these roads are major sources of dust. However, the problem arising from these sources are to be tackled differently to gain satisfactory results. The problem is compounded by weight and speed of Dumpers playing on these roads.

In most of the higher production open cast mines dust generation & deposition in haul road is six inches or more. Grading and application of water at frequent intervals, by far, remains the most practical solution for control of dust on haul roads; water is not always available in plenty in mines particularly in summer months. Water applied in the conventional ways dries up fast, and there by its replenishment at very frequent intervals become necessary for effective dust controls. Thus, 6 to 8 times or more per shift watering on roads is a common sight in mines especially in dry months which are not sufficient to control for the formation of dust clouds.

The Mining Industry has found the following problem with use of different chemicals used for dust suppression earlier in open cast mines:

1)No Grading Operation is allowed.

2)No Dozer movement is allowed.

3)Bigger Size of potholes are produced on haul roads.

4)The chemicals produces Film &/or Carpeting layer on haul roads which are scratched out by the movement of Grader, Dozer and H.E.M.M.

5)Highly dilute products of sticky nature which require specialised tankers for applications.

To overcome the above difficulties, M/s. SYNTRON INDUSTRIES, AHMEDABAD has carried out extensive research and experiment with different chemicals for development of cost effective dust setting chemicals. DUSTRON – PC range is for mines haul roads; DUSTRON – XT range is for crushing units, transfer points & material handling plants.


A dilution of an DUSTRON range of Compound with anionic character sprayed on dusty atmosphere binds and / or agglomerate the small or fine particles, suspended in air, together to a large particles and brings down to settle on surface and remains there for a long time. DUSTRON range compound prevents the formation of the DUST FILM restricted only to the water surface. It allows the dust to penetrate the surface of water droplets and permits less moisture to do more efficient job. WATER SURFACE TENSION is reduced from 72 dynes per cm to 28 + 3 dynes per cm, with addition of DUSTRON resulting in more area coverage with same quantity of water. This also increases the BINDING FORCE of the air borne dust resulting in agglomeration of the soil. DUSTRON PC range also has rewetting properties which reduces the requirement of the water.

For more information, please visit:



Road Condition after on 1 hour of water spray


1_dustron (JPG)

(not verified)

Dustron For Roads

Posted on 24. Jul. 2008 - 05:55

Road Condition on 4th day of treament with DUSTRON PC after 2 hours of spray


2_dustron (JPG)

(not verified)

Dustron For Roads

Posted on 24. Jul. 2008 - 05:57

Road Condition on 6th day of treament with DUSTRON PC after 3 hours of spray


3_dustron (JPG)