AROVAC Vacuum Bagging

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Posted in: , on 4. Mar. 2005 - 08:27


For years the packaging industry has searched for a means to densify and pack powders into hermetically closed bags without perforations.


To make this possible air trapped within the product had to be removed. However, conventional vacuum techniques were often ineffective because air taken out of the product carried dust, which caused accumulative product loss and blinding of filters that led ultimately to deterioration or loss of vacuum performance.

Previously, when packing into plastic sacks, it would have been necessary to introduce perforations to allow air trapped in the product to escape even after deaeration. Unfortunately, these also allowed moisture ingress making the packs unsuitable for storage outside without additional protective wrapping or packaging. However, packing without perforations was also problematic since trapped air would cause unstable pallet loads and risk burst bag seals.


Arodo’s new patent pending AROVAC bagging system has been 3 years in the making and turns the conventional problems associated with vacuum packing on their head by using a unique ‘closed’ 2 stage vacuum process that does not require filters and returns all product into the sack to avoid product loss. The absence of filters means that the system is able to reproduce the same performance on the last bag as it did on the first.

The AROVAC is also very flexible with regards to depth of vacuum - taking it to new levels and enabling, in many cases, significant reductions in product volume. Using a 2 stage vacuum process ensures that ‘no’ residual air remains in the product enabling the plastic sack to be hermetically sealed without any requirement for perforation. Product packed in this way is more stabile for ‘safer’’ palletised storage outside without the need for additional protective packaging. Additionally the absence of air in the product can substantially increase the shelf life of the product, which is particularly relevant in the cement and food industries at this time and provides the end client with a more convenient and usable pack that can be used virtually anywhere.

Unlike ‘messy’ valve packing installations the AROVAC, by removing air from the product, takes away the very medium normally responsible for carrying and creating dust and spillage during filling. Product is normally deposited into the sack as a single mass without ‘dust’ or ‘spillage’ and thereby overcomes the need for costly ‘spilled’ product recovery systems, which are a standard feature of the valve packing operation. The ‘AROVAC’ also features a ‘bottom up discharge system’ that preserves the increased density of the product and further optimises bag size reduction.

The finished AROVAC pack also stands up well against its traditional rivals when presented in retail outlets. Not withstanding the sharper and more detailed printing that is possible on plastic, the ‘totally closed’ vacuum packs are much cleaner and more leak proof.

Summary of Benefits

• Suitable for unprotected storage outside

• Water/weather proof

• Increased shelf life

• Impervious to bug/insect infestation

• More hygienic ‘non invasive’ vacuum process

• Clean storage. Dust/leak/odour free finished pack

• Lower packaging costs

• Smaller pack sizes

• Higher impact ‘in store’ presentation

• Clean ‘Fill’. No dust/spillage


Arodo has developed the AROVAC range specifically for two main powder groups:

Cement and Cement Mixtures:

The AROVAC range of cement vacuum packers offers capacities up to 1000 bags per hour producing hermetically closed PE bags of the same size as or smaller than the comparable paper valve sack. The ‘perforation free’ finished bags as well as being suitable for outside storage without additional protective packaging also increases the saleable shelf life of all cement and cement based products in respect of the new EU Chromium legislation introduced in January this year. By removing the air and preventing further airflow into the sack the reducing agent, which is required to reduce chromium concentrations, is able to remain effective for much longer.

General Powders and Food Ingredients:

The AROVAC vacuum system for more general powders and food ingredients offers capacities up to 600 bags per hour employing a ‘bottom up’ release system for optimal bag size reduction and dust control. Along with the similar benefits of the AROVAC cement range of packers this system also adopts a more hygienic ‘non invasive’ vacuum technique that avoids entering probes into the product and risking contamination. Finished plastic sacks can be stored for long periods without risk of infestation or moisture ingress due to the absence of perforations, which is a standard attribute of the process.

Either paper or plastic sacks may be used on this system, although the greater benefits are achieved with the plastic version.

Arodo will be launching the ‘AROVAC’ Vacuum bagging system at Interpak 2005 in Düsseldorf, Germany from 21 April to 27 April in hall 13 stand B13.

For further information, please contact visit:


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