Research Contract from Siemens VAI

Posted in: , on 8. Mar. 2011 - 19:27

Contract for development from Siemens VAI

Studies about the pelletisation of iron oxides

HAVER subsidiary HAVER ENGINEERING, Meißen, (HEM), not only develops machines and processes for mineral processing technology for the HAVER & BOECKER Group with focus on agglomeration and washing processes, but is highly interested in research and development projects for other companies.

In January 2011 HEM was awarded a development contract from Siemens VAI. This customer in Austria has contracted HEM to conduct a wide variety of studies on the pelletisation of iron oxides.

“After multiple rounds of discussion and clarification of the tasks at hand, the project-responsible persons from Siemens visited our technical research facility in Freiberg, where they were able to appreciate the excellent facilities and equipment, as well as the high standards of quality that one can expect of studies,“ reports Dr. Stephan Hüwel, Managing Director of HEM.

The contracted studies are a real challenge because up to now no processes existed that allowed Siemens to manufacture the pellets that one needs. The trials at HEM provide the basis and thus the foundation for designing a new process that Siemens VAI would like to put into practice together with leading international steel producers. The time frame for implementing the project is very tight, which means HEM is under pressure to deliver quickly. The results must be available to the customer already by the end of March,” adds Sandra Weyrauch, Manager of HEM, who together with Steffen Silge, a pelletising expert, are responsible for the contract.

This contract convincingly shows that HEM has truly developed into a recognised centre of expertise through focus and effective expansion of knowledge over the last three years.

Photo: HAVER ENGINEERING, Meißen, takes over research and development projects not only for the HAVER Group, but also for other companies.

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