Perlini Dump Trucks

Posted in: , on 1. May. 2007 - 10:55

May somebody give me some reference about performance and after-sale services of Perlini International SpA (Italy) 95 tons off-road Dump Trucks in open pits?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Babak Houdeh

Dump Truck Maintenance Experience

Posted on 12. May. 2007 - 01:34

Hello Babak,

Somebody knows, but they are too busy to tell. If all else fails, ask Perlini International SpA (Italy) for a list of users, and get on the phone. Forums are nice, but sometimes it takes weeks, or months for a reply - and sometimes just stonewall silence in ether space.

Regards - Sgt John.rz

Puneet Thakkar
(not verified)

Re: Perlini Dump Trucks

Posted on 16. Jun. 2007 - 01:06

I would like to recommend to view this trucking blog ... in which u can find total news and latest happenings on trucks and trailers .. at :-

am sure u will get ur needful for sure from here...


Puneet M

(not verified)

Perlini Dump Trucks

Posted on 25. Aug. 2009 - 07:46

Re Perlini Dump Trucks

Should you need any used Dump Trucks Perlini , Komatsu or Caterpillar

The please contact us with your enquiry we can offer you various models with immediate availability.
