Bulk Bag Sales Position Wanted

Bulk Bag Salesman
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. Dec. 2006 - 19:09

Dear Sir or Madam.

I live in the North West area of the UK, I have over six years sales experience within the UK bulk Bag market place, and over 20 years working with Bulk Bags, and currently seeking employment with a large overseas Bulk Bag Manufacture, who is thinking of setting up an office in the UK. Selling direct into the UK and Irish market place, I came with my own customer portfolio, which we can build on.

This is just a short note of introduction. If you are interested then please e-mail me.

Re: Bulk Bag Sales Position Wanted

Posted on 14. Dec. 2006 - 01:26

I am President from a reputated bag company in China.

and see your post .

we hope you can help us increase sales. meanwhile increase you money and bonus.Cause our quality is good, products is wonderful, as a sales , you would promote sales.Bad factory.. will only let their sales down on their sales volume,so as a wise chooice, YOU should choose wonderful factory who offer them good quality product with great prices,great bonus as bright future.

Our working way is simple.We offer you flexible sales policy ,payment policy to your customers,flexible working location. our cost is competitive cause we make it in China,india,you will approach your target customers easily.All you need to do is to stay in your home to communicate with customers easily. Just to look at them once or twice one year.Company would take on this cost. You would double your money growth.

Welcome to full job or part job to create joint bright future together !Please email to gleeforest@aim.com

Bulk Bag Salesman
(not verified)

Re: Bulk Bag Sales Position Wanted

Posted on 14. Dec. 2006 - 03:27

Dear Sir,

I will be sending you a reply in an e-mail very soon.

Kind Regards

Bulk Bag Salesman
(not verified)

Still Looking For That Full Time Sales Postion

Posted on 20. Feb. 2007 - 06:23

I am still looking for that full time sales position within the Bulk Bag industry. I am not looking for a part time (work from the garden shed job). I am looking for a position that I can put 110% into and enjoy the work I do. If your company needs a person that only gives 110% then please feel free to contact me.