Iron Ore Coating

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 18. Apr. 2004 - 05:41

I am studying about iron ore coating and I would like you to help me.

I am looking for some chemical product that can be applied on iron ore and that can protect it against humidity. Look, I am not interesting about any mechanical system, but only chemical system to coat. If you can help me with some information, I will be very happy.

Regards, Harrison

Russ Bailey
(not verified)

Re: Iron Ore Coating

Posted on 26. Apr. 2004 - 06:35

are you handling reduced iron ore?

Re: Iron Ore Coating

Posted on 26. Apr. 2004 - 10:06

There are probably plent of people that could formulate such polymer but efficient application is very difficult in large volumes.

What would be the properties of the polymer? Could it be coated with cement?