Pneumatic equipment - ATEX required?

Posted in: , on 14. Apr. 2006 - 11:16


a question regarding ATEX.

We are buying a new plant for milling powders.

ATEX zoning is:

- inside the mill and the containers there is an ATEX zone 20

- outside within 1 m there is an ATEX zone 22

The point is that this plant foresees the installation of a column for raising the container with the powders to process above the mill.

This column is a pneumatic one and the supplier says that it is specifically done for areas with a dust explosion danger (because, there aren't bearings inside...).

But this column isn't ATEX marked (has enclosures with a degree of protection IP 55).

What is your opinion? Should the column be ATEX marked?



Re: Pneumatic Equipment - Atex Required?

Posted on 14. Apr. 2006 - 12:28

Work from first principles

is the assembly in an ATEX Zone?

if it is, is the component you intend using ATEX marked (i.e. placed on the market specifically for use in potentially explosive atmospheres)

if it is not, (i.e. placed on the market for general engineering use) you may still use it in your assembly providing you do the risk analysis to establish all possible sources of ignition, put in place the necessary safeguards and then ATEX mark the assembly yourself.

Refer to

for more information