"Selected Exhibitors" Ahmedabad 2012

Posted in: , on 29. Jan. 2012 - 15:23

Ladies and Gentlemen,

dear Bulkoholics,

Should you be an exhibitor at

Powder & Bulk Solids India 2012

Ahmedabad, 13th to 15th March 2012



then we sincerely invite you to become a Selected Exhibitor of this great event.

How do you become a Selected Exhibitor?

You simply send us a detailed Show Preview, as long as you wish, with a few good photographs. Take the POWTECH 2011 Selected Exhibitors presentation as an example how to do it: https://forum.bulk-online.com/showthread.php?22653

All Selected Exhibitors will also be included into the Photo Gallery later on.

What does this service cost?

This service is entirely free of charge!

It is our obligation to the worldwide powder and bulk solids handling and processing community to inform about important events.

Powder & Bulk Solids India 2012 in Ahmedabad is an important event.

You can still order exhibition space, and you should definitely try to particpate.

I look forward to your soon reply. There is not much time left, so please hurry. Send your material asap or ask questions.

Best regards,

Reinhard Wohlbier

PS: India is the largest User Country of The Powder/Bulk Portal! See here:


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