POWTECH 2011 Product Previews

Posted in: , on 26. Jul. 2011 - 18:31

POWTECH 2011 Product Previews

Ladies and Gentlemen,

dear Bulkoholics,

We invite all POWTECH exhibitors to become a Selected Exhibitor of POWTECH 2011 Nuremberg , Germany.

We need your Product Preview (as Word document) with one or more photographs (in JPEG format) in English and, if possible, in German language.

See an example here:


href="https://forum.bulk-online.com/showthread.php?22820" target="blank">https://forum.bulk-online.com/showthread.php?22820

There is no charge for this service, but we reserve the right to accept, reject and/or edit your editorial contribution. Your POWTECH Product Preview will be linked to your eDirectory listing which you find here:


href="http://www.bulk-online.com/Cat/1.htm" target="blank">http://www.bulk-online.com/Cat/1.htm

Google supports this activity, as you can see from the links in the signature. See also the 2010 POWTECH Selected Exhibitors at:


href="https://forum.bulk-online.com/forumdisplay.php?161" target="blank">https://forum.bulk-online.com/forumdisplay.php?161

and note the number of visitors/views.

Should you have questions, please email me at


href="mailto:wohlbier@bulk-online.com">wohlbier@bulk-online.com .


How GOOGLE sees


on The Powder/Bulk Portal:


href="http://www.google.de/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=powtech+site:bulk-online.com" target="blank">http://www.google.de/search?client=s...ulk-online.com


href="http://www.google.de/search?q=powtech+site:bulk-online.com&hl=de&newwindow=1&safe=active&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch" target="blank">http://www.google.de/search?q=powtec...=lnms&tbm=isch



_powtech_2011_logo-1 (JPG)

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