Internat`l Fertiliser Society

(not verified)

The International Fertiliser Society will hold their spring Meeting in London on 19 April in this the 60th year since the founding of the Society in 1947.

As usual this is an open Meeting and all are welcome. The Meeting will focus on traceability, tracking and management of fertiliser through the supply chain from producer to farm.

Four presentations will be followed by discussions:

"Fertiliser security and traceability - the UK approach", Graham Smith, NaCTSO, UK, Mike Buchan, Kemira GrowHow UK, S Williams, AIC, and D Heather, Consultant, UK.

"Managing secure fertiliser logistics using a web-based system", Bart Meijburg, Yara International, Belgium.

"Technologies for tracking and tracing products through supply chains", Keith Osman, Technology Innovation Centre, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK.

"Segregation in fertiliser handling: occurrence, assessment and control", Richard Farnish and Mike Bradley, Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, University of Greenwich, Kent, UK.

Further information from:

Chris Dawson>

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