ICBMH 2007 - Australia

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Call for papers

9th International Conference on

Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation

The University of Newcastle, Australia

9 – 11 October, 2007


The storage, handling and transportation of bulk solid materials are major activities for a vast number and variety of industries throughout the world. These range from the gentle handling of very small quantities of material in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries to the vast quantities handled and processed by the mining and mineral companies.

This diversity is particularly evident in Australia where the wide-ranging nature and scale of operations is somewhat unique.

This 9th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation follows in the tradition of the previous series of very successful events. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the conference and look forward to welcoming you to Newcastle, Australia in

October 2007.

Professor Mark Jones,

Conference Chair.


Conference focus

Considerable advances continue to be made in research, development, application and implementation of the technologies associated with various aspects of bulk solids storage, handling and transportation. This conference will provide a forum to review the state-of the-art with respect to research and development and promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between researchers and practitioners.

The Conference will be of particular interest to a wide range of industries including

• Mining and mineral production and processing

• Chemical and petrochemical process industries

• Agricultural crop production and processing

• Food industry

• Power generation

Topic areas

Papers are invited on the following subjects:


• Bin and hopper design

• Stockpile design

• Structural design aspects

• Feeding and weighing

• Discharge control systems

• Blending and sampling


• Heavy mobile machines

• Conveyors and elevators

• Environmental factors


• Belt conveying

• Pneumatic conveying

• Hydraulic and capsule conveying

• Road and rail transportation

• Ship loading and unloading

• Systems studies in handling and transportation

Related Areas

• Characterisation of bulk solids

• Instrumentation for bulk solids handling applications

• Education and research in materials handling

• Life cycle costing and maintenance of material handling systems

• Mixing, blending and segregation

Note for intended authors

Intending authors are invited to submit the titles of proposed papers, together with a brief synopsis of not more than 250 words outlining the aims, content and conclusions of their paper. The scope of papers may focus on any matters relating to the many facets of Bulk Materials, Storage Handling and

Transportation. Papers may range from the outcomes of ongoing research through to case studies.

Accepted papers will be peer reviewed and published in the Conference Proceedings. Guidelines for pre-production of manuscripts will be distributed to authors upon acceptance of synopses.


Exhibition/sponsorship opportunities

Commercial exhibitions / sponsorship and displays are encouraged with a range of opportunities to exhibit or display during the conference. Companies also have the opportunity to sponsor various elements of the conference and social program. Any organisations wishing to take advantage of these opportunities should contact the Conference Manager.

The Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling

Operating under the auspices of the Mechanical College of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, the National Committee on Bulk Materials Handling promoted technological advances in bulk materials handling through research, education, design and application over a period of fifteen years. In late 1997, it sought and received approval from the Institution to restructure its operations as the Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling with the objectives of expanding its activities and bringing together all practitioners in the field of bulk solids handling. The mission of the Society is to enhance the discipline of bulk solids handling through research, education and sound engineering practice.

This conference is one of the ways in which the mission of the Society is fulfilled.

Centre forBulk Solids and Particulate Technologies

The Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies is an Australian Key Centre of teaching and research established under the Australian Research Council’s Research Centres Scheme. It is a unique collaborative initiative of The University

of Newcastle and the University of Wollongong. The Centre is built upon the strong foundations of education, research and consultancy in bulk solids handling and particulate technologies which have been in place at these Universities for over 30 years.

Further information and enquiries

The final program for the conference will be available in April 2007 and will include a registration form and all details. In the meantime, prospective authors / attendees are invited to contact the Conference Chairman, Professor Mark Jones, if they need further information.

Prof Mark Jones

Conference Chairman

Centre for Bulk Solids & Particulate Technologies

Advanced Technology Centre

The University of Newcastle

Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

Phone: +61 2 4921 5419 Fax: +61 2 4921 6021

Email: Mark.Jones@newcastle.edu.au

Indication of interest

All correspondence relating to the conference organisation

should be addressed to:

The Conference Manager

Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling

C/o Centre for Bulk Solids & Particulate Technologies

The University of Newcastle

Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

Phone: +61 2 49 21 6067 Fax: +61 2 49 21 6021

Email: Eng-CBSPT@newcastle.edu.au

Please tick where appropriate:

I wish to offer a contribution to the conference

– synopsis is attached/follows

I would like to receive information on attending

the conference

I would like to receive information on sponsoring/exhibiting

at the conference

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Address:............................................................................................ .............

Postcode:.............................................Country:...................................... .......

Company:............................................................................................ ..........

Position:........................................................................................... ..............

Email:.............................................................................................. ..............

Phone:.................................................Fax:......................................... ...........

Receipt of Abstracts

– 31st January 2007

Notification of provisional acceptance

– February 2007

Receipt of full text for review

– 30 April 2007

A statement confirming that at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the paper should accompany synopses.

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