First World Conference on Sampling & Blending

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Posted in: , on 13. May. 2003 - 22:47

WCSB1: First World Conference on Sampling and Blending

You are cordially invited to attend/contribute to WCSB1.

Please find information on all aspects of the conference at this web-site:

which will be updated every week until the conference starts on 19 August 2003.

Scientifically the conference has got off to a good start. WCSB1 is a completely new conference. Therefore there is no existing scientific

community assisting us and there is no conference tradition to judge by.

Thus the organizing committee does specifically not look to a conference

attendance in the several hundreds. In fact the committee would be

pleased were 75+ international relevant sampling practitioners, industrialists

and scientists to attend. It's WHO attends that matters this very first time!

When broadcasting the 2nd Circular, already 40+ participants have registered.

From all other experience with international conferences it is well-known that

75% of the final number of participants first register after having received the

2nd Circular. We want very much to see YOU in these most important 75 %

Kim H. Esbensen

WCSB1 chairman, scientific and organising committees

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