Dust Explosion Seminar

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Posted in: , on 17. Sep. 2008 - 13:54

Do you know all you should about Dust Explosions and minimising the risks?

Are your Dust Control Systems as efficient as they should be?

It's the Law!

According to the NSW WorkCover Occupational Health & Safety Regulations, an employer must ensure that risks associated with fire or explosion at a place of work are controlled. This includes minimising the potential for flammable or explosive atmospheres, eliminating potential ignition sources and removing waste materials and accumulated dust.

The regulations also state that if flammable substances, combustible dusts or waste materials are present at a place of

work, an employer must monitor the place regularly to ensure the removal, on a regular basis, of waste material, including dust, that could pose a fire or explosion hazard and the continued effectiveness of control measures taken with respect to potential ignition sources.

Get the important information you need at the PowderHandling.com.au DUST CONTROL / DUST EXPLOSION SEMINAR.

Featuring local and international speakers, at a practical level this seminar will provide an understanding of dust control systems and the importance of correct design. It will also help to take the mystery out of dust explosions, providing information to allow you to implement strategies for ensuring a safer work place.

The seminar is on NEXT WEEK, so visit the seminar web site now to find out more and register on-line.


When: Wednesday, 24th September 2008

Where: Lachlan's, Old Government House, Parramatta, NSW

Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm (Registration from 8.15am)

How Much: $299.00 (plus GST) per delegate, which includes coffee on arrival, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and full seminar notes.

How to Register: Register on-line and pay by credit card by visiting the registration page of the seminar web site. (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=BNf...EZrNpWjenYEdWA)

Remaining places are limited, so register today to avoid dissappointment.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,

Paul Nutter



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