2007 AIChE-ACS Management

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2007 AIChE-ACS Management Conference

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April 25 – 27, 2007

Houston Hilton

Houston, Texas

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"Managing CPI Energy and Raw Materials Uncertainties in a Global Context"

This conference will address the energy-related challenges facing the global chemical and related industries.

The industry competes, both for petroleum and natural gas based feedstocks with much larger current demands for those same materials for transportation fuels, and for commercial and residential heating and electric power generation. Therefore, the CPI demand for feedstocks and process energy is not the determining factor of pricing and availability of petroleum and natural gas, but it must forge a path to survival in the face of the changing global competition and energy balances for these materials. Hear from your colleagues in industry on their strategies to cope with the challenges and from government and other experts on their views on realistic scenarios for the future. Take this unique opportunity to discuss these issues with all of these as well as other attendees.

The development of alternative feedstock sources is a major hope for the future. CPI executives and other experts will speak regarding the short-term developments and long-term strategies that are likely to shape the future of the global CPI. Speakers will comment on the effect of implementation of the new initiatives on sustainability, control of greenhouse gases, security concerns and other external influences and restraints on future operation of the chemical and related industries.

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