SO2 Emission Reduction

Posted in: , on 25. May. 2010 - 00:07

Our company makes paper as well power(coal based)in a same area. We are burning ETP sludge having 72 % calcium carbonate 10% water & 18% pure fibre in boiler with coal. If we burn 20MT ETP sludge with caol then by putting heat of formation values we can conclude that we can save 4.43 MT of caol per day as we get some amount of heat by burning ETP sludge . Also by doing this so2 emissions are reducing upto some extent because calcium carbonate in sludge reacts with sulphur in coal to form calcium sulphate.

My question is how much sulpher dioxide reduces in a day if we burn 20MT sludge alongwith coal?

Thanking you


A.V. Bhide

So2 Emission Reduction

Posted on 25. May. 2010 - 02:13

Indian coals have low sulfur normally <0.5%. So total SO2 from 4.5 T of coal will not be high. Is there any other source of sulfur? The Calcium Carbonate will be calcined during combustion process. CaO formed will react with SO2.

However a flow sheet with temperatures at various stages will help in understanding your problem.

vinayak sathe 15, Rangavi Estate, Dabolim Airport 403801, Goa, India

Units Again......

Posted on 25. May. 2010 - 04:33

This is a process engineering topic and has no relevance to these forums. If you post on a relevant competent website they will ask you what you mean by MT.

So2 Emission Reduction

Posted on 25. May. 2010 - 06:22

yes Units can be confusing. Lot depends on local usage. MT is metric Tonnes (as we use the term in India for small businesses). It becomes million tonnes only when you are talking about coal mining or large power stations. For a person like me who studied engineering in fifties, it has been an effort to move from and BTU to kg.m and calories. Now I have to change to joules and what not. I have to keep a ready re-conner ready.

vinayak sathe 15, Rangavi Estate, Dabolim Airport 403801, Goa, India