Pick us velocity selection

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 11. Jun. 2007 - 10:48

Dear all,

What is the basis of arriving at correct pick up velocity at suction points, in Dust Collection system?

Vendor says 1.5 to 2 m/sec is OK as per ACGIH norms, whereas experienced people say it shall be 10 m/sec, if you really want to have an efficient Dust Collection system.

There are similar differences in the quantity of air to be exhausted.

I am referring to transfer points in conveying system with belt width of 800 mm, 1.2 m/sec and 250 TPH. The aprox. dust load is 20 gm/m3 of air volume sucked.

Can somebody guide me in this matter?


P. Rekhawar

Pick-Up Velocity Selection

Posted on 11. Jun. 2007 - 10:28

There is a difference between the velocity at the face of the hood (capture velocity), where 1.5 to 2.0 m/s might be appropriate and the carrying velocity (transport velocity) in the duct. 20 m/s is a common number for transport velocity.

Get a copy of "Industrial Ventilation" published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. It is the best guide. It will tell you what exhaust quantity to allow for conveyor transfers given the belt width and speed.

By the way, 20 g/cu.m sounds like a very high number! If you overdo the capture velocity, you might lose too much product.

Michael Reid.

(not verified)

Re: Pick Us Velocity Selection

Posted on 5. Apr. 2008 - 10:21

Mike et all

Pick up dust qty is around 5-15mg/m3 for dust extraction. Correct?

Pick-Up Velocity Selection

Posted on 6. Apr. 2008 - 08:01

It depends on lots of things, mainly on how tight your enclosures are. If you need the estimate the dust load for designing the dust handling equipment after the dust collector, go for a higher number. You can only know what the actual dust quantity is by measuring it after you have built the system.

Or, you can get the measurement from a similar system. Measure the amount of dust the dust handling system delivers over a given period.

Michael Reid.