Number of Suction Points

Posted in: , on 24. Dec. 2012 - 07:36

Dear All,

My query is regarding the maximum number of suction points that can be connected to a bag Filter. I had enquired the same with couple of Bag Filter vendors, but I got contrasting answers from the Vendors as mentioned below:

One vendor has suggested me not to go higher than eight number of suction points to a single Bag Filter, since De-dusting system balance with dampers at suction points is a major problem when we go for more number of suction points.

Other vendor has suggested me that they had designed a bag Filter with 102 number of suction points to a single Bag Filter with a capacity of 8,00,000 m3/hr and it is working fine since 2006.

So request all to resolve my query. Thanks in advance.



Number Of Suction Points.

Posted on 26. Dec. 2012 - 12:02

There is no theoretical limit to the number of points. The physical size of the system (distance between the furthest point and the baghouse) may dictate splitting the system into a number of smaller ones to limit the system pressure and the consequent fan power requirement.

A competent vendor/designer will be able to advise you and will have no difficulty with multiple point systems.

Michael Reid.

Re: Number Of Suction Points

Posted on 6. Jan. 2013 - 10:08

I have heard of 8 as well and i beleive this to be 8 separate lines connecting into the unit plenum

I think that this is an old rule of thumb given hand methods of calculation etc

Logic would also suggest NOT having a system with a wide range of duct lenghts eg lots of short runs and a single long run. However, if are de dusting a top of the bin with a conveyor feeding it and mechanical discharge - you would be OK for a dusted system but may need to use orifice plates to balance the flows.


James M

Number Of Suction Points

Posted on 7. Jan. 2013 - 06:39

Regardless of the number of suction points, you need a competent designer to get the most economical system.

The physical location of the equipment (suction points, baghouse) will dictate the duct runs, layout and length but orifice plates (slide gates) at each point will certainly be needed.

Flow balancing is an iterative process based on trial and error, carefully making a few small adjustments at a time.

A competent vendor will be able to do all of this for you.

Michael Reid.