HVAC & Dust Control for Mine Facilities

Posted in: , on 10. Aug. 2012 - 22:22

HVAC and Dust Control for mine facilities and conveyors

Hello colleagues

I am currently involved in HVAC and Dust Control project for mine facilities and conveyors.

Can anyone recommend any kind of technical course to upgrade skills to that type of engineering? I am an engineer, it looks like ASHRAE and fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics that I have taken in school are a little out of this specific field.

Any help is appreciated

Mine Ventilation And Dust Control

Posted on 11. Aug. 2012 - 02:31
Quote Originally Posted by Serhey778View Post
HVAC and Dust Control for mine facilities and conveyors

Hello colleagues

I am currently involved in HVAC and Dust Control project for mine facilities and conveyors.

Can anyone recommend any kind of technical course to upgrade skills to that type of engineering? I am an engineer, it looks like ASHRAE and fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics that I have taken in school are a little out of this specific field.

Any help is appreciated


First stop for you is the United States Printing Office in Washington D.C. USA

If and only if you are serious about this this purchase a current copy of the

United States Code Title 30 which deals entirely with mining and conveyors

as well as dust control and ventilation for mines.

Until you have an excellent understanding of mine ventilation and hazardous dust

control and the required ventilation per miner and per diesel operated machine as

well as maintaining the desired percentages clean mine air to dilute the stale exhaust air and

remove it with proper wall stoppings, fan tubing and the proper sized fans.

Do not bother with fluid dynamics as you have to understand the basic physical side of things

involving mine ventilation and dust control first, this is why I said to purchase a 2012 copy of the

Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations.

Re: Hvac & Dust Control For Mine Facilities

Posted on 14. Aug. 2012 - 05:42

Thank you for reply

I think your recommendations are too global for me. We have never been involved with underground mines; I do not think will ever be in a future. All I deal with is overland and in plant conveyors and dust control/collection to them. I have a bunch of recommendations from government and components suppliers, which are good help but not complex.

I am looking for a someone to show me a process from scratch to the end, thru different kind of references and standards. As it’s done in the CEMA book, for instance.

Thank you for any help

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