MDE Ltda., Brazil

Posted in: , on 3. Oct. 2009 - 19:18

MDE Manufatura e Desenvolvimento de Equipamentos Ltda.

About to complete a decade working in the market and ensuring quality and safety of equipments and services, MDE has gained the customers’ trust and is currently among the most important Brazilian manufacturers of handling equipments. The company is outstanding in the fields of calculation, projects, manufacturing and electro-mechanic assembly of components and equipments, complete systems and installations for the transportation of bulk materials.

MDE’s team is highly qualified and it has a broad background in the market, the company offers quality equipments, calculated, designed and produced with state-of-the-art technology and advanced production line, with a wide experience especially in the sectors of Mining, Cement, Siderurgy, Pulp and Paper and Harbors. Also, we have an after-sales team for complete support, assembly and training supervision available to our customers.

All of these factors guarantee the high quality level, efficient services and total control of projects – the top features that build the power of MDE name.


After it was inaugurated, the company was always aware that production quality and continuous improvement of processes, products and services are essential to meet the needs of your clients.

An evidence of such is the fact that MDE was the first consulting engineering company in the State of Minas Gerais, and the second one in Brazil, to receive the certificate of Quality Management System, under the standard of ISO 9001:2000, in 2008, by Rina Certificadora. The achievement and maintenance of this certification guarantees the quality standards kept by the company in the different sectors it performs.

MDE Quality Management System is completely based on ISO 9001:2000 and it is structured so that the concept of continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and commitment with our Quality Policy is totally followed.

All the areas have trainings performed to better qualify our contributors.

These factors guarantee that the levels specified in the quality requirements are reached, according to ISO 9001:2000.



MDE professionals team is formed by engineers, technicians, designers, with more than 30 years of experience in this sector. Many professionals have entered MDE in the beginning of their activities and closely followed the growth of the company and its achievements, which enabled building a friendly relationship among the members of the team.

MDE understands that the continuous improvement process and training is an important concept applied to our performance.


It has a built area of 22,000 m in a land of 87,000 m in Vespasiano-MG. The production line includes modern machines of computer numeric control (CNC), test benches, modern welding processes and assembly cells well equipped. Certified by ISO 9001 version 2000, all the mechanical and structural parts of the equipments are manufactured in its production line.

Our production line also counts on equipments as: Peddinghaus machines, Folders, Metal Machine, Guillotine-cutter, among other modern equipments.

Numeric Simulation of Material Transfer


MDE offers to contributors, clients and partners high-end technology in high level engineering services. The investment in technological evolution is continuous and there is a constant effort to qualify professionals to adopt such technologies. The company works with conceited partnerships and suppliers of the technology field. MDE continuously invests in network infra-structure and information security in order to ensure a high performance of its applications. It counts on servers and work stations to meet the demands of its users, using engineering softwares that help on the users’ productivity and ensure quality of the projects delivered to the client.


One of the major different features of the equipments produced by MDE is pre-production. Modern project tools are used, with details, calculation and numeric simulation of the equipments functioning before they get into production, and thus we avoid re-work and eventual troubles during operation. By the software used by MDE, we can simulate the operation of equipments, optimizing as most as possible for the conveyor’s profile, getting the minimum curve radius to avoid material falling or possible damages in the structure or in the components of the equipment, and also to foresee and to analyze deep rises or drops on the belt tension causing damages at the structural or mechanical part of the equipment, or even in the belt itself. The simulated analysis of start and braking of conveyor can also point out the best curve to activate the conveyor (percentage of torque versus percentage of time), softening the start and increasing the life of equipment’s components, and mainly avoiding over or under dimensioning of structural and mechanical components of conveyors, besides avoiding unnecessary energy expenses. One of the softwares used by MDE also help us to define which is the best inclination of the plates, where it is necessary to have wearing plates, flaps or if it is necessary to increase the chute. By specific softwares we can design equipments with efficiency and quality, reducing costs and manufacturing terms, besides meeting the specific needs for each client.

This state-of-the-art software performs conveyors calculation in the paused and dynamic status, providing data of equipment and components, for the following operational conditions of the conveyor:

a. Operating completely loaded up

b. Operating completely empty

c. Only upward parts of loaded conveyor

d. Only downwards parts of loaded conveyor

e. Start with conveyor completely loaded up

f. Start with conveyor completely empty

g. Braking with conveyor completely loaded up

h. Braking with conveyor completely empty

i. Natural stop with conveyor completely loaded up

j. Natural stop with conveyor completely empty.

It also provides:

a. Minimum radius for convex and concave curves

b. Minimum radius for horizontal curves

c. Analysis of resonance in the belt

d. Movement of belt’s stretching system.


Following there are the results of calculation for conveyor.

Schematic of Conveyor

Conveyor Longsection

Running Belt Tensions – Static Analysis

Belt Velocity Stopping Full

Belt Tensions Stopping Full - 2D

Belt Tensions Stopping Full - 3D

Take-up Movement


To calculate MDE drums, besides this Software, there is software allowing for the following types of drum calculation:

a) Dimensioning of new drums, considering or not the roller as axis;

b) Check drums capacity (for purposes of standardization);

c) Check capacity of load of existing drums.


For modeling and calculating metal structures, MDE uses specific software


MDE also uses specific software to analyze the material course in transfers, aiming at optimizing

the use of wearing plates and minimizing eventual troubles of belts alignment, caused by the

decentralized unloading of material.


MDE is strategically located next to the International Airport of Tancredo Neves (Confins), and Pampulha Airport, side by side the Green Line, enabling clients and visitors to have easy access to Belo Horizonte and the whole metropolitan region. The plant and the offices are concentrated in the same spot. We count on a large infra-structure to have more quality of equipments, and in this year of 2009 we began the activities of our office, So Paulo branch, located in the State Capital.”

Policy and Mission


“Meet and exceed the expectations of our internal and external customers, as quality products and services, by continuous improvement of processes and efficiency of quality management system (SGQ – sistema de gesto de qualidade), qualifying our contributors, considering our suppliers and clients as partners and respecting the society and the environment.”


To develop equipments using the most recent techniques available in the market, in order to fully attend the customers.


To be the reference in the country for products of its manufacturing line.

Work with us

MDE continuously recruits new contributors, according to the company’s demands.

If you want to be a part of our team, please send your rsum to



Products Line

MDE provides a wide range of Equipments and Services in the most diverse sectors and counts on a broad portfolio of products to better attend customers, as CSN, Grupo Votorantim, Gerdau, CVRD, Lhoist, Galvani, MHAG, Yamana, Bunge, ALUNORTE, MMX, among others.

• Belt Conveyors

• Long distance belt conveyors

• Horizontal curves LD belt conveyors

• Stacker reclaimers

• Belt feeders

• Apron feeders

• Ship loaders

• Mobile and Reversible conveyors

• Redlers conveyors (dragging by chains)

• Sidewall conveyors

• Mobile hoppers

• Can lifters

• Vibrating sieves

• Overhead cranes and porticoes

• Heavy structures and boilers

• Storage silos

• Hoppers, chutes and pipes

• Tanks and containers

• Gates

• Components for conveyors

• Components for Siderurgy Plants

• Services of assembly, maintenance, re-powering of systems

• Project solutions



MDE offers completely mobile systems for Ship loading, Mobile Ship loaders type, which serve different sizes of ships and the most varied project settings, for all types of materials, with loading rates that can exceed 5,000 tons per hour.

The MDE Ship loaders are mobile on wheels, complete, with all functions – rotation and tilting of pole -, efficient, quick, low operational and maintenance costs, if compared to the conventional loaders, and with total flexibility, as it incorporates MDE bracket feeder in the receiving hopper, which enables directly tilting trucks or loading shovels. It offers total mobility, as it does not need specific basis, it can operate in existing areas proper for this purpose, considerably reducing the implantation costs.

Due to this feature of mobility, the MDE Ship Loaders may be replaced, as of export market variations. MDE has already supplied several equipments of this line, already under operation.

Feeding / Extraction

The MDE metal brackets feeders are projected and manufactured with original Caterpillar components and they have as main features the strength and reliability, ensuring low maintenance and lasting longer.

They are equipments designed for heavy services, used to receive and to extract dry materials, or hard, abrasive, wet, sticky, from tilting hoppers, silos, stocking stacks, etc, also used as equipment for feeding at a controlled rate.

MDE manufactures metal bracket feeders with capacity from 15 to over 10,000 tons per hour, with width and length complying with the specific requirements of each application.

MDE is one of the top Brazilian manufacturers of metal feeders, Apron Feeder type, with equipments installed in the most different applications in several clients, as CVRD, Grupo Votorantim, Galvani and others.

In the feeders line, MDE also designs and manufactures Belt Feeders, used in the extraction, ensuring a constant material flow, with adjustment of level capacity by adjustable gate or by using frequency inverters.

For example, the following is a feeder produced by MDE:


Conventional Transportation


Equipments with horizontal and/or inclined profiles (upwards or downwards) which can be provided in different sizes, usually used for transportation of bulk materials.

They are used in handling several types of materials, from food up to minerals, and they can be supplied as independent equipments or as a complete system.

Vertical and Inclined Conveyors


The belt conveyors of Sidewall type are used for transportation of bulk materials in the vertical orientation, deep inclination and tight places where conventional belt conveyors are not applicable due to the geometric limitation. Compared to the conventional conveyors you save space, and they offer geometric advantages over can lifters, as they can be fed and unloaded horizontally, as conventional conveyors, facilitating the transfer of material.

MDE has already designed and supplied several Sidewalls, under operation by different clients.

Long distance transportation


Under MDE products line, there are solutions for all continuous transportation needs, from small size conventional conveyors to long distance conveyors (TCLD), characterized by its extension and complexity, with vertical curves or even horizontal curves.

This type of conveyor, especially with horizontal curves, requires calculation with higher level of complexity, demanding the use of advanced numeric simulation softwares (dynamic calculation).

MDE can count on state-of-the-art softwares, which allied to the broad experience of our teams in handling equipments, allowing MDE to design and provide TCLDs using dynamic calculation, which enables forecasting and correcting eventual errors from transitory processes of operation – start and stop – optimizing TCLDs project, anticipating material falling from the belt, belt sliding in motor drum and voltage peaks and drops which may cause damage to the equipment. The dynamic analysis also enables optimization of activation curves (Torque x Time) (Speed x Time) resulting in a softer start and consequently increasing the belt life and such other components.

MDE has already designed and supplied equipments using the resources offered by dynamic analysis, they are already under operation.

Stackers / Reclaimers

Equipments used when forming and reclaiming the stacks of materials in stocking sites and to homogenize the stacks. The type of machine to be used depends on the process requirements and stacks geometry, which determine the type of machine to be used when forming and reclaiming the same.

The Stackers, used to form the stacks, can be basically provided with the following settings:

• A fixed pole, tilting and/or rotational

• Two fixed poles, fixed or tilting

• Mobile on wheels, with fixed or tilting pole.

The Reclaimers, used to remove material from the stocking stacks, can be basically provided with the following settings:

• “Bridge” type, with one or two bucket wheels

• “Bridge” type with dragging chains (Scrapers

• Pole type, with bucket wheel.

Overhead Cranes

The MDE overhead cranes are designed and provided combining technology and experienced professionals, guaranteeing a quality equipment, with low maintenance costs and high performance.

MDE counts on the provision of a number of Overhead Cranes in its reference list, for different types of spaces and capacities, and for the most diverse applications.


MDE designs and manufactures components for replacement in Belt Conveyors, as drums, rollers, chutes, chassis, trestles and metal structures.

For drums, MDE has a specific software, which allows for:

• Dimensioning the new drums, considering or not the cylinder as integral part of the axis;

• Verifying drum capacity, calculated as the criteria above, aiming at ensuring application at any position or in any conveyor of the system;

• Verifying the load capacity of existing drums.

Assembly and Maintenance

MDE Assembly Unit offers to the market services of electro-mechanical assembly and industrial maintenance, with technology resulting from the experience of participations in different works all over the country.

• This unit began due to the customers’ wish to have more interaction without interfaces in the project co-relation, manufacturing and assembly of their own equipments.

• This need made MDE Assembly Unit reach a high level of preference, mainly for equipments designed and manufactured by MDE.

• This unit was essential to develop qualification in the field of industrial maintenance, with a system of qualified labor, applied in siderurgy, mining, cementing, pulp and paper, and harbors.

• MDE Assembly Unit, with its specialized team, its own cranes and equipments, offers great services of electro-mechanical assemblies and industrial maintenance, as well as installation.

Installations Re-powering

MDE Engineering, along with our Plant, is qualified to perform re-powering of installations regarding handling of bulk materials, overhead cranes and site machines.

Components Reform

MDE plant is equipped with computerized machines, a complete structure of light, medium and heavy boilers, a team specialized in reformations, as well as qualification of welding process by AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2006, and procedures of ISO 9001, which enables the performance of services and reformation of sets of drums, overhead cranes, site equipments as reclaimers and stackers, belt conveyors, metal feeders type apron feeder, can lifters and drilling equipments.


• Handling systems by belt conveyors

• Belt feeders

• Metal or brackets feeders

• Mobile ship loaders

• Rolling porticoes.

"MDE has already supplied and installed equipments of this line in this Market, already under operation."


• Handling systems by belt conveyors

• Belt feeders;

• Metal or bracket feeders

• Can lifters

• Stackers for stocking sites and homogenization

• Reclaimers type scraper crane

• Reclaimers type scraper gate

• Mobile emergency hoppers

• Overhead cranes.

“MDE has already provided and installed equipment of this line in this Market, already under operation.”

Pulp and Paper

• Handling systems by belt conveyors

• Belt feeders

• Metal or brackets feeders

• Overhead cranes and porticoes.

“MDE has already supplied and installed equipment of this line in this Market, already under operation.”


• Handling systems for belt conveyors

• Belt feeders

• Metal or brackets feeders

• Overhead cranes and porticoes.

“MDE has already supplied and installed equipment of this line in this Market, already under operation.”


• Handling systems for belt conveyors

• Belt conveyors

• Metal or brackets feeders

• Railway car loaders

• Mobile emergency hoppers

• Overhead cranes and porticoes

• Stackers and Reclaimers of bulk wheel.

“MDE has already supplied and installed equipment of this line for this Market, already under operation.”

Logistics and Transportation

• Scrap transportation

• Overhead cranes.

“MDE has already supplied and installed equipment of this line in this Market, already under operation.”

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