AMMAG Partikelsysteme

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Posted in: , on 30. Apr. 2005 - 13:23

AMMAG Partikelsysteme GmbH

invests in research and development

The mechanical engineering and plant construction specialist in Gunskirchen, Austria, was established in 1948 and made a name for itself with the first pneumatic conveyor line in Austria. Today AMMAG has two successful and complementary business lines : bulk material and spray granulation systems.

Price leadership is difficult to achieve in the western economies; the keys to company success are thus the developing of creativity and vision within the scope of its own specific experience and strengths.

In order to forge further head by doing just this, AMMAG is further extending its Technical Centre, already the most modern of its kind in Austria, and has developed a laboratory granulator for the testing of new processes and products in close cooperation with clients.

The state-of-the-art research facilities operated by AMMAG are used not only by foodstuffs and chemical industry leaders from around the world but also by scientific teams from universities and elite research institutions.

This provision of the best scientific basis is how great product ideas are turned into business realities. The impressive success list includes pro/prebiotic foodstuffs, micro-encapsulated aromas, the granulation of beer wort, special detergent additives, or no-dust agricultural chemicals with outstanding water solubility properties.

The mechanical engineering and plant specialist has assembled a remarkable team of talent including mechanical engineers, graduate process engineers and foodstuff technologists in the course of its close research partnerships with special laboratories and major scientific institutions. Partners include the prestigious Vienna University of Agricultural Sciences that has recently put an AMMAG A-WT25 laboratory granulator of its own into operation.

This innovative strength is the compelling force that has drawn companies from across Europe, Russia, China and Brazil to Gunskirchen and AMMAG. This winning combination of creativity, vision plus hard research has also resulted in such major projects as the two 3-Phasen-Gegenstromgranulatoren A-WT/combi, that have now gone into successful operation in France where they are helping a multinational agricultural chemicals group to bring its products on the market in improved quality and at a lower price.

A dramatic new project in Brazil is likely to add significantly to the AMMAG profile on its route to internationalisation: the aim is to establish a production line for the coating of living micro organisms !


The new labor-scaled granulator A-WT25 for drying, granulating, agglomerating and coating processes and sieving machines and different silo discharge equipment, ensuring optimal plant design in technical and economical respect.

For more information, please visit:


ammag_news_30.04.05 (GIF)

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