40 Years Linn High Therm

Posted in: , on 28. Dec. 2009 - 18:08

40th Anniversary of Linn High Therm

Eschenfelden, October 23, 2009

On Friday October 23rd it was unusually silent at the production halls of Linn High Therm GmbH, a leading manufacturer of custom industrial scale and laboratory furnaces. At a pavilion only few hundred meters away from the plant, guests from eleven nations arrived to honour Mr. Horst Linn and celebrate with him and his team the Company’s 40th Anniversary.

Over 330 guests comprising of high ranking Government Officials, prominent Industry Executives, loyal customers and suppliers, friends, staff members and former colleagues joined together to share and celebrate this significant milestone with Mr. Linn.

Following numerous greetings by friends and colleagues, Father Anselm Bilgri – former Cellerar of the Benedictine Abbey St.Bonifaz in Munich and the Convent Andechs, as well as the leader of the brewery – delivered a speech about ethics, culture and economy in business life. A music band and a cabaret artist provided live music entertainment for the guests, and caricature artist Klaus Häring sketched the guest portraits. The Linn Team presented “their” boss with a very special present, a manually casted 4kg heavy bell engraved with company data.

The success story of Horst Linn started 40 years ago in a little rented room in Hersbruck. Since then, the company evolved to employs more than 100 employees at three different production locations (Eschenfelden, Bad Frankenhausen and Ljubljana), and worldwide sales. Mr. Linn’s entrepreneurial career highlights include the incorporation of Linn furnaces in the Russian space mission D1 and D2. His personal acquaintances span across prominent politicians, including: F. J. Strauß, Federal President R. v. Weizäcker, personal contacts to former Federal Chancellor G. Schröder and current Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel.

Mr. Linn’s involvement in non-profit activities awarded him the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon, The Federal Cross of Merit First Class and with the State Medal for special merits around the Bavarian economy. He was also awarded with the “Goldene Nase” as “Business Angel” of the year 2004. Not to forget his highly appreciated activities in associations like VDMA, AiF and as Business-Angel in “Netzwerk Nordbayern”.

In 1989, Horst Linn took over the former company VEB Elektro in the Thuringian city Bad Frankenhausen. This site, referred to as “Plant II”, currently employs 30 people. Due to Mr. Linn’s commitment, “Plant II” is one of the growing plants in Thuringia with positive business prospects. More information about Linn High Therm GmbH’s acquisition of VEB Elektro can be found in the book “Das Abenteuer im Osten“ written by Mr. Gunter Storch (former CEO), a signed copy of which was provided to all guests.

The District Administrator P. Hengstermann presented Mr. Linn with the merit medal of the district Kyffhäuser in tribute to his commitment in the newly formed German States.

The global acting company has an export quota of over 60 % worldwide. The focus concentrates on Eastern Europe, Russia, China and Asia. The distribution and service network with offices in Russia and China, stretches across over 50 countries.

For more information, please visit:




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