Brick thickness - rotary kiln

Posted in: , on 6. Jan. 2008 - 17:45

I have used a Hoganas Linometer, but they seem to not want to sell their product. I have had one on order for a long time. it isn't much, the sensor head is light and easy to use and the control box is small is powered by 2 double A batterys. They charge a lot of money for them.

What you are really measuring when you measure brick thickness is the distance from the inside surface of your brick to the shell of the kiln. The brick is really just in between.

Is there anyone out there who has or can design a product that can be used to measure brick thickness from inside the kiln while it is down and cool, that will measure in a range of say 250mm and down with accuracy of 2-3mm? I would venture to guess that if it could be priced in the $3000 to $4000 range you would sell a bunch of them in the USA. Would prefer it to read in inches.

Re: Brick Thickness - Rotary Kiln

Posted on 7. Jan. 2008 - 02:51

Most infra red camera suppliers will tell you that your application is right out, front line, for their gear; so perhaps it is.

John Gateley