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39.90733, 116.23

Beijing Hiven Exhibition
No.1709 Block C, Wanda Pl
No.18 Yard, Shijingshan Rd
Shijingshan Qu (Beijing Shi) 100040
+86 10 686 341 05
+86 10 886 808 11
About Beijing Hiven Exhibition
Beijing Hiven Exhibition Co., Ltd, as one of the world's leading events organizer, its core business is holding leading international exhibitions in certain cities like Beijing and Shanghai in China. Since its establishment, Hiven Expo has experienced an 8-year growth with a group of highly specialized and experienced employees.

As well the strict professional exhibition management helps Hiven Expo provide their customers with special and specific service all the way, and make a reliable quality assurance in a reasonable price. The range of application for now includes fields of Iron and steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, electric power, machinery, building materials, household and other fields.