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38.6224924, -90.2093809

Mike Schimmelpfennig
Consulting Project Engineer
1901 Chouteau
St. Louis (MO) 63166
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 314 554 352 6
+1 314 554 408 4
Über Mike Schimmelpfennig

MS Mining Engineering, University of Missouri - Rolla
AmerenUE project engineer for the past 20 years

Fogging in Underground Mine Atmospheres, Mining Engineering, April, 1983

Selection of a Cost Effective Coal
Dust Control System, Electric Power Research Institute Proceedings, Coal Handling Systems: The State of the Future, February 3 - 5, 1993.

“Reducing Coal Pile Operating and Maintenance Costs: Coal Pile Mobile Equipment vs. BWSR” prepared for Bulk Materials Handling 2000 Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April, 2000.

Fuel Handling Considerations when Switching to PRB Coals (in progress)

2013/4 – Heute
(11 Years / 4 Monate)
Consulting Project Engineer
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