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40.050236, -76.397048

Heinz Schneider
3004 Hempland Road
Lancaster (PA) 17601-4011
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 717 293 400 8
+1 717 293 401 1
Über Heinz Schneider

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Know-how and experience:
Cleaning (dust removal) of pelletized/granular materials with patented system , called \'DEDUSTER\'
Capacities from 100 to 200,000 Pounds/hour ( 50 to 100,000 kg/h)

Fields of Consulting work:
1.dust/fines problems
2.pressure & vacuum slow motion conveying
3.debottlenecking of pneumatic conveying systems
4.material handling studies
5.rail car loading/unloading

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